Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Glorious Pursuit - Day One

Today I begin the glorious pursuit of God on a forty day journey along with the rest of Faith Community Church. During this season we are going through the "Shake the City Devotion" book and preparing ourselves to encounter God. It is a glorious pursuit.

I sat down this evening with Turner and we did our first day of devotion together. I am amazed a third grader asked me if he could take this spiritual journey. He wanted his own book and desired to seek God. He even talked to me about fasting from something. He has a tender heart for God. We all should have a tender heart for God.

Humbly he bowed in prayer to repent of a sin the Lord brought to his mind. His eyes were moist when he finished his heartfelt prayer. People of the Lord, we can learn something from this child. Does the thought of offending God with our sin bring tears to our eyes anymore. Have we become so proficient at sinning and asking forgiveness that we never bat an eye much less shed tears. May the Lord soften our hard hearts until we are as tender as a child in His presence.

May the Lord take His Spirit and Word and probe deep into our hearts and minds finding the blind spots and the sin that keeps us from a closer relationship with Him. This can be a painful exercise. It proved to be for me.

 While seeking the Lord He revealed a very specific sin to me. This sinful attitude and behavior had not only affected me but also my family as well as the people of Faith Community Church. I repented. I came away from that experience feeling cleansed and refreshed like I do after mowing yards all day and taking a shower. My prayer of repentance, though painful to deal with, really served to reinvigorate my walk with the Lord.

It is much easier to throw a blanket confession and repentance before the Lord. It is more costly when God reveals a specific sin and you are called to look in the mirror and repent. So on the first day of this glorious pursuit I had to look deep inside and allow the Holy Spirit to bring something to light. Before taking another step in this pursuit I had to be obedient to put away my sin.

I am sure your curiosity is peaked as you wait for me to reveal the sin. That is not important. What is important is that you need to allow the Lord to search your heart painstakingly and to repent of the things He brings to light also. Then and only then can we really embark on this glorious pursuit of more of God and for Him to revive His church and to impact or communities. He started today with a third grader and his dad. I pray it continues to you as well.

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