Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Glorious Pursuit - Day Five

As God continues to work deep in my heart, today, that was manifested in two very distinct ways. First, I was challenged to be authentic in my walk with the Lord and not to fake it. I take that to mean I am not to act before people like I am more spiritual than I really am. God wants to be so real in my life, more real than the breakfast I ate. Out of those encounters with Him comes the passion to love and worship Him and the strength to serve Him.

It is easy to fake it before the people of God. All you really have to do is show up. How many of us show up to the worship service without a heart to worship? I have been there. I have been so consumed in my life at times I made little effort to turn my full attention and affection to God. Worship really is giving God the worth He deserves. Yet, Sunday after Sunday and the rest of the week we fake it. People play music in church worship services more concerned with their performance than their worship. Praise singers sing wanting to perform well desiring glory for their talents rather than singing to the King of Kings. Worship ministers become distracted by all the preparations and nuances of public worship and forget to worship themselves. Preachers become so focused on delivering the sermon they neglect to enjoy the presence of God and preach from insincere hearts.

Many of you reading this are faking it. You are not close to God. Truth is you have not had an authentic encounter with God in a long long time. Your heart is dry and withered. You are doing for God but you are not authentic with God. Instead of being real and asking the people of God to pray for us and to help we continue to fake it. God wants sincere hearts. He wants authentic lives that are consistent on the inside and the outside. You may continue attending and even serving in some capacity but do you feel. Do you feel the heat of God's presence burning in your heart? Do you feel the passion intensifying to love and long for more of God.

I do not want to fake it. This morning I got to my office at 4:00 a.m. That was not planned last night. I get up when God wakes me up. I began seeking Him. Nearly three hours have passed and all I have been doing is enjoying His presence and seeking more of Him. I have pleaded with God to make me authentic on the inside. For some that might seem like a chore but the truth is I cannot believe it has been three hours. What did I do during that time?

I read scripture. I prayed. I listened to worship music. I sat before the Lord and listened to what He had to say to me. I meditated on scripture. I rested in His presence and adored Him. I repented of not being more authentic and striving hard i9n my strength to advance the kingdom more than abiding in Him and trusting Him to do it through me. I am ending my time writing.

God is increasing in me a desire to linger in His presence. Like A.W. Tozer, I prefer to keep company with the Lord more than with people. I kid you not. In recent days I have torn myself away from this office but more importantly from seeking and enjoying the Lord to fulfill other obligations. I have not had this office very long, but I can already tell you I have had some of the most significant encounters with the Lord in my life. He is speaking to me like I have never heard Him speak in the near three decades I have been a Christian.

At one point I remember telling the Lord I was in no hurry today. Yes, I needed to put the final touches on the message to preach later this morning, but that all paled in light of enjoying God. Prayer does not feel like a duty but is a delight for my soul. In fact the first words of my prayer began with, "Lord, before I even entertain getting the final touches on the message this morning I want to meet with you." I have met with Him.

God manifested His presence in a second way today. He beckoned me to lean back against Him and to rest. He let me sit on His lap today not to ask Him for anything but to simply love Him and to receive His love. It reminds me of what happened last night when Turner climbed up in my lap in my recliner. I  was kicked back relaxing and he put his head on my chest and wrapped his little arms around me without saying anything. He loved me. I reached down and kissed him on the head and loved him. That is exactly what God and I have been doing for the past three hours. We have been loving on each other. It has been real. It has been tender.

After the past several days of conviction this morning has proven to be an oasis. I have laid down in the green pastures of God's presence and He has renewed my soul by the quiet waters of His love. [Ps 23:2] It has been peaceful, relaxing, and enjoyable. When I go to the house of God today I am ready to enjoy Him, worship Him, and to love His people.

When is the last time you climbed up onto God's lap and simply loved Him? Just as importantly when is the last time you climbed up onto God's lap and received His love? He is offering that today. He is offering His real presence today. Don't settle for the cheap substitutes of ritualistic worship attendance and routines. Do not exchange your days for broken cisterns that can hold no water. [Jer 2:13] God has so much more to offer us than just going to church. There is more than attending another Bible study or listening to another sermon. God is offering fresh experiences with Him.

I confess I do not need a congregation or worship music for that to happen. I have learned to enjoy God and to seek God in private. This only serves to make seeking God in public more enjoyable. I do not know one song we will sing at Faith Community later this morning but I can already tell you my heart is ready to declare the profession of my faith. I am ready to sing to Jesus. I am ready to let my singing and the expression of my love for God ascend from my mouth and heart as a pleasing aroma to Him.

I have enjoyed God this morning. What He is doing inside me is real. It is the next step in this glorious pursuit.

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