Friday, June 29, 2012

The Glorious Pursuit - Day Twenty-Three

I am writing this on board of a charter bus driving through Florida headed back to Texas after our youth camp. For the past four days we have enjoyed sunny skies, the ocean, and anointed worship and preaching.

The glorious pursuit has taken on a different look this week. Time alone has been at a minimum except those early morning hours. All I have wanted to do is to steal away somewhere to be alone with the Lord in prayer. I've had Turner with me in my room along with forty-five others to lead. The one desire of my soul during the long bus drive to Florida and throughout every day of camp has been for more of God.

The glorious pursuit continued this week but my time with the Lord was not as long as it has been back home. I have had no office to get alone with the Lord. I have not had time just to sit with the Lord for hours on end. There was always someone needing my time or attention. The camp schedule and keeping up with Turner prevented those extended times alone but the burning in my soul did not wane. The intense craving for more of God did leave. The passionate hunger for more encounters with the Lord burned in soul.

I did worship in our services with an intensity that drew me closer to Him. I sang at the top of my lungs and with all the passion I had with me. I especially worshipped in songs that talk about fully surrendering to the Lord. I gave my all in worship. I gave my all to Him. I did not hold back one single bit. All I am engaged God in praise and adoration. I have worshipped any harder than I did this week. At times I felt my heart would burst out of my chest in praise to God. I did not hold back. I did not hold back whether I sang in tune or not in tune. I forgot about people and lost myself in worship. I did not want those times to end. My soul craves more experiences with God like that.

I already look forward to Sunday when Eddie leads us in worship again at Faith Community. This week I worshiped at Beach Camp in Panam City, FL. Sunday I will worship in a warehouse as Faith Community makes a transition to our new home for the next two to three years. Today I am worshiping on a charter bus driving across five states to get back home. Tomorrow morning I will worship back at my office.

Praise to His name. He is to be exalted. He is to be praised. He deserves all the praise I can give. He deserves my service. He deserves my life. He deserves the song in my soul as well as my life. He deserves all I can give. He deserves my passion, my affection, my devotion, my sacrifices, my every day lived for Him in this glorious pursuit.

I will extend my hands in worship reaching for more of Him. I will yield my soul to Him in sweet surrender. I will sing with all the love I can muster. I will lay my life down at His feet in worship. I will worship in the public assembly. I will worship in the privacy of my secret place. I will worship with music. I will worship with living. I will worship in serving. I will worship in preaching. He remains my glorious pursuit.

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