Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Glorious Pursuit - Day Nine

Today my mind has been filled with the truth that God, the Almighty, the Sovereign Lord, The Great I Am, Jehovah, Creator, Father and so much more welcomes me into His presence. Insignificance welcomed into the room with ultimate significance. Unholiness granted access to Supreme Holiness through the blood of Jesus Christ. Imperfection ushered into the presence of perfection.

My God. Not just a god of the masses created by my own hands. All strength, power, righteousness, wisdom, purity, compassion, justice, gracious, patient, kind, loving all contained in God. He being superior stoops down to to me the inferior to relate to me. Me of all people. He meets with me. He teaches me. He strengthens me. He comforts me. He empowers me. He convicts me of sin. He forgives. He restores. He reveals His truth. He opens closed doors. He moves mountains and clears the path for His will to be done. He does all of this for me. I know He also does it for others but today I am humbled by the truth that He does all these things for ME!

So when I pray and seek Him I am not seeking some obscure mythical figure. I am seeking the real living, active, attentive, assertive God of this universe. This God relates back to me. He meets with me and they joy and communion we share with one another are the sweetest experiences of my life. Better than my wedding day or honeymoon. Better than the births of my children. Better than my first vehicle or first house. Like the Psalmist I say in the presence of the Lord is fullness of joy and in his right hand are pleasures forever. [Ps 16:11]

There is deep and abiding soul satisfaction I am discovering in these prolonged times with my Lord on this glorious pursuit. I lose track of time. My soul is enraptured in God's presence and nothing else matters during those times. My soul is set aflame by the presence of God. I have not set out for any special experiences. My quest has been to know more of God and in that I am experiencing more Him each day. He is enough to satisfy.

The love of God shed abroad in my heart is overwhelming like a person standing in the ocean overwhelmed by the waves as they break on the shore. His love is so penetrating, fulfilling, awe inspiring and most of all so undeserved. I know my short comings all to well. I am impulsive like Peter. Eager to jump out the boat but also easily to sink when I take my eyes off Jesus. He is quick to reach out and rescue me from myself.

Still God has made all that He is and has available to me. His power, provision, wisdom, peace, comfort, strength, refuge, resources, renewal and revival all available to me when I seek Him and pray. I have all I need in Him. This is what He has shown me today on this glorious pursuit.

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