Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Fresh Start

Everybody needs a fresh start from time to time. We need to press the reset button and start again. It is like the child I watched drawing in a notebook at her sister's end of the year awards ceremony. She got frustrated with one drawing and marked it out and started again. She did this several times. She would mess up not getting the picture in her mind on paper. So she started over.

We all need to do that from time to time. I have done that this morning. A fresh start with me started with the scriptures. "Search me, O God and know my heart. Try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me. And lead me in the everlasting way." [Ps 139:23-24]

Sitting with the Lord this morning I asked Him to search my heart. There were several areas where I needed to scratch out my behavior and thoughts. I needed a fresh start. One by one I repented of those areas. Taking a deep breath I walk back to the track of life to resume the race God has marked out for me. [Heb 12:1]

I cannot concern myself with tomorrow for I do not know what it holds and am not promised I will live to see it. Yesterday is gone and I cannot go back and recapture it. All I have is today. So today I make a fresh start. I made a fresh start with God. Today I will enjoy a day with my family without being pulled in several different directions. I will not concern myself with things that are out of my control. I will take the time to be thankful.

I am thankful for this office I get to enjoy. I am thankful for my desk, bookshelves and chair. I am thankful for a secret place to meet with God. I am thankful for the children's areas and the furniture that was given to us. I am thankful for the beautiful chairs donated by several individuals. I am thankful for a loving congregation. I am thankful for progress. I am thankful for the dream that compels me to keep believing and laboring.

I am thankful for Brenda and the boys as well as Jennifer and her family. I am thankful that through PK Mowing I get to spend more time with the boys and teach them a work ethic too. I am thankful that what started out as just a dream now has become reality with mowing equipment and multiple yards. I am thankful for this community and the chance to love and serve people like I got to do  yesterday at our community high school seniors breakfast.

We all need a fresh start. I am not going to wait until January 1st. My fresh start begins today. My fresh start has already begun as I type this. It will continue as I walk out the door and head home to a family just now waking up. It will lead me through a day of celebration with the Brenda and the boys for their end of the year school accomplishments.

Do you need a fresh start? Do you need to scratch out the way you have been living or thinking lately to start again? You are the only one keeping you from getting a fresh start in the way you live and the way you think. Press the reset button with God and start again. Everybody needs a fresh start from time to time.

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