Monday, May 14, 2012

Things Hoped For

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." [Heb 11:1] ESV

"Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen." [Heb 11:1] HCSB

Two different translations but both say the same thing. As I write this I have been thinking on this verse. More than that I have been praying this verse. Right now in your life there are things you are asking for. There are certain things you are trusting God to do for you. There are things you are hoping will come to pass.

Now there is a kind of hope that is passive. You ask and wait. You hope the winds of good fortune will turn in your favor and a blessing will come your way. There is a kind of hope like a person playing the lottery. They buy a ticket hoping they will win but know the odds are not in their favor. The hope is tempered by the reality.

This is not the kind of hope Heb 11:1 is exhorting us to have. True hope for the child of God has to start with true faith. "Faith" means to have confidence, belief, assurance, and persuasion. When I prayed earlier today I prayed for some specific things. I prayed to God for the third time to work a miracle so we could buy a house. I have seen God help us twice before and I am persuaded He will do it a third time. I believe with all my heart God has a better housing situation for us. Though we are grateful to be under one roof our rent house is too small.

Taylor sleeps in the den with a curtain hung over the threshold for some privacy. Three boys eat at a cheap table we bought while Tucker eats at the bar because there is no room for him. Brenda and I eat at our recliners on TV trays. When we watch television together as a family Brenda and I have our chairs. We have a love seat that seats two. We also have an office chair. One person always has to sit on the floor or Turner ends up sitting in my lap. I know this is not God's best for us. I am paying for a storage unit because we cannot get any more furniture into our rent house. One of the things I am hoping for is a bigger house sooner rather than later. I believe it is the will of God for my family to have a bigger house. I know God has all the resources needed to get us into a bigger house. So I ask for a four bedroom two bedroom bigger house. We want and hope for God's best house for our family.

In my mind I can see a house. I am not saying I can see the colors or the interior but with eyes of faith I see my family living in a bigger house. I see Taylor in a real bedroom and I see all the family seated at our dining table. I see our coach and lounge chair in a spacious living room with ample space for entertaining. I see a kitchen equipped for entertaining. I see a small office for me to seek God in and to use to write and study. That is the reality I am hoping for. That is one of the things I am trusting God to bring to pass. It is not some figment of my imagination. This is reality. Somewhere in Paradise, TX there is a house appointed for the Edwards. I do not know if the house already exists or will be constructed in the future. All I know is there is a house for my family. I am confident of that fact.

That is not the only thing I am hoping for. I am hoping for a church firmly established. I am trusting God for the reality of people saved, baptized and committed to serving the Lord at Faith Community Church. In my mind I can see a crowded parking lot and a filled up warehouse gathered to worship. I can see a full band playing their hearts out for the Lord. I can see hands lifted, people shouting, clapping and weeping in the presence of the Lord. I can see a full house of children laughing and having the time of their lives as they learn Bible truths. I can see students over a one hundred strong lost in worship and surrendered to God for service. I can envision a sea of adult faces enthused to seek and serve God. I can see flags from different countries mounted representing different mission churches planted by God through Faith Community Church. I can see a hungry church for the word of God to be preached and taught. I see a revived church down the road in love with the Lord and walking in holiness.

Though we have made some progress as a church I see so much more. I see a church growing and impacting the community, county, and country. I see real revival. What I mean is I see the multitudes turning to God and away from sin. I see repentance. I see fresh fire falling from Heaven consuming people and giving them boldness to serve the Lord. I see a new passion in the church for worship and the word of God.

The word "hope" means to expect and to trust. I expect my family to get a house, to see Faith Community grow and have impact as well as to see Faith Community and Paradise at large revived. Those are specific and tangible things I hope and expect to see happen. There is my faith out there for all to see again.

Noah's faith built an ark. Elijah's faith first sent fire and then rain. Peter's faith enabled him to walk on water. Paul's faith established churches all over the world. I want my faith to point people to the power of our God. So today I expect revival, a growing vibrant church, and a house. What things are you hoping for. They are as good as reality if God wills it and you believe Him to do it.

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