Monday, September 12, 2016

The Unknown Road Ahead

Many people plan ahead. They map out a course for life, have goals, and work the plan to achieve those goals. People like to plan ahead for the future. Do any of us really know the future? Can any of us predict what will happen with certainty an hour from now, tonight, tomorrow, in a week, or next month.?We are all walking the unknown road ahead called life.

What a comfort to know God sees the future in full. NOTHING takes Him by surprise. He has a plan for every possible scenario including our obedience and disobedience. He is never taken by surprise. Never caught off guard or unaware. Never bewildered or surprised by anything. He sees this moment, the next, and to the end of time.

While we walk by faith down an unknown road we do not walk alone. God walks with us, strengthening us, guiding us, counseling us, preparing us, and upholding us if we seek Him and commit ourselves to following His leadership. He will do this in various ways.

From where I sit writing this I do not know what my schedule holds for the rest of this day until the service tonight in our spiritual emphasis meeting. The rest of the day is unknown. It is a mystery. So is the rest of my life.

Life has taken twists and turns I never expected. Some in the forms of triumphs bringing me closer to Jesus. Other twists and turns came in the form of trials that have tested and, in the end, strengthened my faith. I cannot see hours, weeks, months, or years down the road. So my gaze needs to be firmly fixed on Jesus to follow His lead.

Do you remember playing that game follow the leader as children? That game should have taught us all a very valuable spiritual lesson. While we may not be able to see the unknown road ahead we can certainly stay focused on God and tuck in behind Him for the long haul. He knows the way. He has, not only already seen the future, He has already been there working things for His purposes.

I cannot predict with certainty the future. What I can do is do what Abram did when he trusted God daily for direction when God told him to move to the land He would show him. Genesis 12:1 (NASB) 
1  Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father's house, To the land which I will show you; 

The word "show" has several meanings in that passage. It means to advise, make aware, show plainly, and give vision. Abram did not know where he was supposed to move. He hard God and trusted Him  for the unknown road ahead. Day by day God advised Abram where to go. He showed Him plainly a vision for, not only his own future as a father, but also for the building of a new nation. 

There were many twists and turns on that journey to Abram becoming Abraham and the father or a great nation. Through it all God worked. Through it all He made the road ahead known. He also made the path straight as Abraham did not rely on his own understanding. [Prov 3:5-6] He does the same for us. 

No matter what lies ahead our Father is faithful. In every storm, in every victory, at every crossroads, at every crisis He will faithfully lead us on the unknown road ahead. Remember it is  only unknown to us! He has already seen the future and already been there. 

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