Monday, September 12, 2016

Jesus Is Passing By

While in south Louisiana preaching a revival this week, my prayer is that Jesus will move powerfully in FBC Hammond, LA and in the lives of those who attend the services. We had two wonderful services yesterday. Yet, I cannot say we experienced revival. Not yet.

I am thinking of a story in Luke 18 about a blind man hearing that Jesus was passing by. Jesus was on His way to Jericho. He had a divine appointment to keep with Zacheus in Luke 19. The blind man seized the opportunity and cried out for Jesus to have mercy on him. Jesus stopped and helped the blind man.

How many times do we let the Spirit of Jesus pass right on by us because we do not cry out in desperation? How many times do we sit silently and maybe sullenly in our circumstances when Jesus is passing by? Is there anyone out there needing a fresh touch from the Lord? Is there anyone out there in need of miraculous intervention?

I am certain there are scores of people facing impossible situations. There are grieving people who cannot get past their broken hearts over the death of a spouse, child, or parent. There are many suffering with terminal diseases that cannot be healed with human hands. There are those drowning in debt. Others are maneuvering everything possible to save their marriage. Parents grieve over the sinful choices of their children. The list could go on.

In the middle of our troubles, trials, and tests Jesus passes by. He is available. He still keeps divine appointments. What if today He wants to meet with you? What if today He purposes to help you but  you let this moment pass and do not cry out in faith. What if you let this day pass because other days have come and gone without your getting the help you wanted so you gave up. What if doubt has grown stronger than faith and therefore, you don't even ask for a miracle anymore.

The Spirit of Jesus is passing by right where you are reading this. You can feel His presence. Why not stop reading the remainder of this and cry out to Him right now. Whatever weighs heavy on your heart this would be the perfect time for you to cry out to Him for His help, comfort, forgiveness, salvation,  provision, healing, restoration, or whatever else you might need. As He passes by today why not cry out for Him to stop and not pass you by.

I love the fact that Jesus stopped his journey because of the heartfelt praying of a nobody blind man on the side of the road. An obscure person in the scriptures who had a very public encounter with the Lord because he seized the opportunity.

I urge you to take advantage of this day, this blog, this opportunity to communicate your need to the Lord fervently. The blind man did so and received his sight. Only God knows what He can and is willing to do for you if you do not let Him pass you by.

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