Thursday, September 29, 2016

My Past

Everybody has a past. Some are worse than others. There are things in people's past they would prefer never be made public knowledge. Mistakes made. Sins sought. Poor judgment offered. Wild behavior engaged in that we long ago locked away in the closet of our past. 

Ever so often the past can come back to haunt us. People from our past can show up recalling embarrassing details of days gone by. A lot of people live in regret, shame, and condemnation. 

I have good news. YOUR PAST DOES NOT HVE TO DEFINE YOU. Jesus died to forgive us from our past, present, and future. Hallelujah!

The skeletons in our closet have been bought, paid for, and redeemed for those who have trusted Jesus for salvation through faith and by grace. Satan is a master accuser who loves to bring up our past. He loves to remind us of all our flaws, and failures. 

It does not matter what we have done in the past. Yes there are consequences. Yes there are regrets but none of us can undo our past. Jesus extends His forgiveness. So when Satan makes his accusations about our past or others love to bring it up, the child of God can look to Jesus. We trust Him to forgive us and through His blood to declare us righteous. [II Cor 5:21] Our past does not have to define us. 

1 John 1:9 (NASB)
9  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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