Thursday, September 29, 2016

My Past

Everybody has a past. Some are worse than others. There are things in people's past they would prefer never be made public knowledge. Mistakes made. Sins sought. Poor judgment offered. Wild behavior engaged in that we long ago locked away in the closet of our past. 

Ever so often the past can come back to haunt us. People from our past can show up recalling embarrassing details of days gone by. A lot of people live in regret, shame, and condemnation. 

I have good news. YOUR PAST DOES NOT HVE TO DEFINE YOU. Jesus died to forgive us from our past, present, and future. Hallelujah!

The skeletons in our closet have been bought, paid for, and redeemed for those who have trusted Jesus for salvation through faith and by grace. Satan is a master accuser who loves to bring up our past. He loves to remind us of all our flaws, and failures. 

It does not matter what we have done in the past. Yes there are consequences. Yes there are regrets but none of us can undo our past. Jesus extends His forgiveness. So when Satan makes his accusations about our past or others love to bring it up, the child of God can look to Jesus. We trust Him to forgive us and through His blood to declare us righteous. [II Cor 5:21] Our past does not have to define us. 

1 John 1:9 (NASB)
9  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Groping In The Dark

Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night and grope through the house in the dark. I have done this enough that I have memorized land marks in the form of a wall or a piece of furniture. I walk unsure with each sep until I get to one of those landmarks. Each step is uncertain. Shaky. I walk slowly not wanting to trip and fall. A few weeks ago I was so tired when I awoke to use the restroom I got disoriented and could not find my way. Eventually I walked straight into a wall not realizing where I was walking.

It appears to me we are a nation groping in the dark. I cannot believe what I am seeing and hearing. In recent days I have heard reports about respected political leaders engaged in heinous sex acts, Satanic rituals,  and witchcraft attending WIKA ceremonies. These are household names. These are our leaders. The one we have entrusted our votes and the leadership of our nation. Engaged in occult dark practices. I read reports about corruption in our society the likes of which I would not have believed if my own research did not corroborate the facts. Corruption in corporations, politics, and the media.

We are a nation adrift spiritually, morally, and in ideology. The elitist have led astray from our Biblical moorings. As a result look at what is happening. Race riots are escalating. Terrorsism increases world wide and here at home. I think most people sit back wondering when the next "big one" will occur. There are repeated reports that a major economic crisis will soon hit our nation as we enjoy this false economic bubble. Our nation gropes further and further from the truth and light.

How many millions grope through life in spiritual darkness. They do not know Jesus as their Savior. They are unfamiliar with the foundations of Biblical morality. They are unaware of the many deceptions propagated by the popular and the powerful. Truly does Satan disguise himself as an angel of light. Such misguided people are ignorant of the eternal consequences of a life apart from salvation by faith, through faith found in Jesus.

So our nations gropes further in the dark and away from the light. Christians are supposed to be the light of the world and to let our light shine before men so they glorify our Father who is heaven.Matthew 5:14-16 (NASB) 
14  "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;
15  nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
16  "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

We are the light of the world because Jesus, the true Light, resides in His followers. We may not always let that light shine to a world groping in darkness. Our light shines when we love the unlovable. serve without wanting to be recognized or noticed, and open our mouth in a gospel witness. We can let our light shine in many ways but sadly many in the church hide the light while the world continues to grope in darkness. Jesus is a lighthouse of warning to a world headed for dangerous rocks that will shipwreck their souls to damnation. Jesus is the only hope for this disoriented, unstable, and blinded age. May His light shine brighter than ever.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Far Different World

When I think about growing up in east Texas back in the sixties, seventies, and eighties it seems like a far different world. I lived in a neighborhood where I road my bike all over the place. We built forts, played whatever ball was in season, When I rode the bus home from school a couple of years I actually had the job to stand by the bus driver and open the door to let people off or on. Can you imagine that.

When I got off the bus after school,  a local convenience store owner watched my bother and I until Momma got off work. We got a snack everyday. I got Nacho Doritos and a bottled RC Cola to drink. We played with stick horses at home which were nothing more than a broom handle with a make shift nylon rope for a bridle. We rode those stick horses all over the yard.

When I was older I either walked home or rode my bike to and from school. I loved the independence. Instead of waiting on the crossing guard to safely walk us across two busy streets I cut across a field crossing on my own much to his chagrin. I can still see him shaking his sign angrily at me to this day.

The first football game my grandfather took me to felt like attending a professional game. The crowd appeared huge. The whole experience was overwhelming. We sat on the first row. I actually shook hands with the quarterback who led our basketball team to a state championship with a game winning shot at the buzzer. I had never experienced anything like that Friday night. How could I have known I would one day play in that same stadium and more importantly meet Jesus as my Savior in those same stands.

We played outside until dark. That was my one hard fast rule. Be home before dark. I played outside until the streetlights came on and then hightailed it to the house just in time for dinner.

I remember when McDonalds came to town. That was a big deal. I remember being in high school before I ever tried a fast food burrito. I had never even heard of one before. A friend shared one with me. It was love at first bite. I recall pulling up to an old fashioned drive in with car hops called Ray's. They had and still have the best burgers and steak fingers I have ever eaten.

I mowed yards, raked leaves, collected aluminum cans, and ran paper routes to earn money. I had to save for things I wanted. They were not just given to me. I worked for seven weeks to buy  a stereo record player. Seven weeks at $5 a week to get the $35. My boys earn that in one day mowing with me. Times have changed.

In high school I was equally at home with my black teammates as well with white guys.  I could talk their language. We hung out. They were my friends. Race did not matter. The world I wake up to today is far different. Racial tensions are escalating. Black Lives Matter dominates headlines. I wonder how my high school brothers feel about that. Would we still be friends today.

My kids have been given more than I ever had at their age. Two of my boys have nicer trucks as their first vehicles than I had until I was forty years old.

As a child I never thought about the media being dishonest. I endured the news the adults watched until I could get to a program I wanted to watch. Whatever they said was truth. The same with newspapers. Now I distrust mainstream media. I question what they report as the truth. I never thought about terrorist attacks as a child. Now in the back of mind I wonder when an attack will happen at a large sporting event or a mega church worship service.

This is a far different world than I grew up in. For those older than me I cannot imagine how different it is for them. The one thing that is constant is God still rules. For most of my childhood I did not have a relationship with Jesus. I intellectually knew a few basic tenants of the faith. I did not fear the dangers of a life without Jesus. Those thought seldom crossed my mind. I was lost.

Jesus met me when a stranger wandering from the fold of God. He revealed Himself to me through a local youth minister. That divine encounter changed everything. My whole life changed that night. Though I wake up in a far different world today the same Lord Jesus rules. He ruled back in my younger years and He rules today. No matter what chaos rages in our world Jesus is still in control. My life and future are in His hands.

I praise Him that one day I will go to sleep in death and wake up in a far different world. I will wake up with Him in a world I cannot fathom. It is a world I long for increasingly as things come more unraveled on this planet. World leaders manipulate and maneuver to gain dominance and power that is fleeting. Jesus is Lord forever. He is the King of Kinds and the Lord of Lords. He will win the day. He will have the last say. And one glorious day this will be a far different world.

The Ultimate Offering

Jesus gave everything. He laid His life down for our salvation. You have read it all before. You have heard it before. That is not the purpose here.

Romans 12:1 (NASB)
1  Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.

My purpose here is to look at our response to the mercy of God. In response to God's grace we are to present our bodies. The word "present" means to offer and to give. We are to give our bodies as an offering to Jesus. Our minds, hearts, feet, hands, and mouth all presented to Jesus as an offering. A living sacrifice. We give our present our lives as an offering. 

No longer do we live under the Old Testament sacrificial system. Jesus gave Himself as the ultimate sacrifice. Now in return we offer our lives to Him as a sacrificial offering. Not just once. We are to do this daily. We are a living sacrifice. Day in and day out. Month after month. Year after year. 

This is our spiritual worship. To put that another way it is our reasonable service. It is our ultimate expression of worship. The offering of our lives to a worthy Savior in service to Him. It is our ultimate offering. This is the appropriate and proportional response to God's grace. 

Have you ever offered your life to Jesus as a living sacrifice? Have you ever dedicated your life to worshipful service to Your King? That is the ultimate expression of worship. That is our ultimate offering to Jesus. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wandering Feet And Wandering Heart

3. O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be!
Let that grace now like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

I sang those words while at FBC Hammond, LA last week. I wept as I sang them as I looked at my own heart. How great a debtor every single day I am. How deeply in need of grace I remain. Only by grace can my wandering feet be found to my Savior. 

Sometimes I wander in my love and devotion. Somedays I wander in my attitude. Other days I wander in my faith. There are still other times I wander from the word of God choosing to fill my mind with thoughts propagated by this world system. 

I need my wandering heart to be bound to the God I love. No matter how much God has done for me, no matter how much grace I have received, no matter how many blessings I have received I still have wandering feet and a wandering heart. There are moments when my flesh wins the battle. Jesus has already won the war but, there are moments when I do not embrace that victory. 

Why would I ever leave the God I love. I am not saying I leave wholeheartedly. It would appear even one step away from Him is a step toward leaving the God I love. I do love God. Could I love Him more? Of course. Can't we all. I love to meet with Him. I love to hear from Him. I love serving Him, pointing others to Him, testifying for Him, and writing for Him. I know the truth about me. There are times when I do wander.  Maybe it is undetectable to others but it is detected by me and God. 

I want God to take my heart and seal it for Him. I want Him to press my heart closer to Him. I want Him to protect me from wandering. 

I love that old hymn. Those words pierced my heart as I sang them. I had to wipe the tears from beneath my glasses. I don't want to be a wanderer. I want to be a worshipers. I do not want to stray. I want to serve Jesus with all that is in me. I do not want to leave my Lord. I want to daily draw nearer to Him. 

I am thankful for that old hymn. I am thankful for whatever inspired the hymn writer, Robert Robinson. to pen those words. He was only 22 years old when he wrote those words back in 1757. What prompted him to write such powerful lyrics. How could he ever know that hundreds of years later God would use those words to penetrate my wandering heart and bind my wandering feet. God, thank you for pastor Robert Robinson and the lyrics he wrote that are so near and dear to my wandering heart. 

Trudging Through

The word "trudge" is not a glamorous word. It does not concoct lofty ideas. It does not roll off the tongue with elegance or eloquence. It is a common variety word. A blue collar word. It means "a difficult and laborious walk."

People trudge through trials. You trudge through overly committed days, challenging health issues, and difficult financial seasons. Trudging is slow. Trudging is not running. It is not an all out sprint. It is slow. Methodical. Cumbersome. Progress may be made but slowly and with much effort. Trudging requires determination and patience.

How many are trudging through every hour of everyday? How many are moving forward with great difficulty? Trudging is not fun but it is necessary. It is necessary for the farmer and rancher facing trials like droughts, bottomed out market prices, and pests that destroy crops and grass. Farmers and ranchers trudge ahead plowing and planting crops and feeding and breeding cattle.  Parents trudge through toddlerhood, sleepless nights, endless ball games and practices, and work in the market place when they feel like and when they don't.

The coach trudges ahead through loss after loss trying to rebuild the program. The teacher trudges through months of classroom instruction hoping for the day when students truly engage in the learning process. Military personnel trudge through war zones trying to stem the tide of evil. They sacrifice their families, at times their physical well being, and some their lives to trudge ahead for freedom. The nurse trudges through another shift of caring for patients, tending their needs, and at times grieving their loss. Pastors trudge through personal attacks, low attendance, endless sermon preparation, and personal setbacks.

I want to turn our attention to another trudging; one I hope will inspire us to keep walking forward no matter how difficult or laborious the journey may be. Hebrews 12:2-3 (YLT) 
2  looking to the author and perfecter of faith--Jesus, who, over-against the joy set before him--did endure a cross, shame having despised, on the right hand also of the throne of God did sit down;
3  for consider again him who endured such gainsaying from the sinners to himself, that ye may not be wearied in your souls--being faint.

The cross was heavy. Each step Jesus took with His bloodied back oozing a crimson flow was difficult. Jesus trudged to Calvary with the cross. He resolutely trudged to His crucifixion. He trudged through the piercing crown into His skull. He endured the penetrating nails into His hands and feet. He hung in agonizing pain but did not waver from His purpose. He trudged right through crucifixion, to death,  then to the grave, but ultimately to the resurrection. 

I know you are weary. I know the path before you is difficult. I know the temptation to quit overwhelms you at times. I know each step is laborious and you want to quit pushing ahead. Stop to rest for awhile if need be but, resolve in your mind you will keep trudging through. There is hope ahead. There are better days around the bend. If not in this life for sure then in Heaven. Ponder those things weary one. Keep trudging. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

I Quit!

I am tired of trying. Tired of failing Tired of beating my head against this same wall. I am weary from  countless hours of fruitless efforts. My labors have been in vain.

This is not a decision I come to without much thought. There comes a time when you have to know how to bow out gracefully. There comes a time when defeat is inevitable. Sometimes quitting is not the desired option but the best option.

I tried. I can hold my head high and say I gave it my best effort. I thought the will to change things would be enough. I thought working hard putting in long hours would turn the tide. I was wrong on both accounts. It has not gotten better. In fact, it has gotten worse on many fronts.

I am exhausted. I no longer have the will or the desire to fight this battle. It has been a long and hard fought one but, I have to admit when I am licked. There is no use trying to talk me out of this. I have prayed about it a great deal. I have contemplated it as well. In my mind there is only one solution. It is time to quit. To resign. To surrender. To admit reality.

Some would argue against such a decision. I am sure they would cite many verses about perseverance and endurance. In many instances they would be right. My mind is made up though. I cannot be talked out of quitting. Not this time.  Those who truly know me know when my mind is made up I will resolutely follow through with action no matter the consequences.

I don't know what lies ahead. So without further adieu I offer my official resignation....

From trying to live out my faith in my strength and my will. I quit trying to be a good Christian and a faithful pastor, both of which I fail at miserably, in my own power, with my own wisdom, and in my own strength. I blunder my way through life. I stumble over myself repeatedly in my service to God. I get tripped up over my own sinful nature. So I give up. I quit. I resign.

My only hope is for Jesus to do it through me with the power of His Spirit. It is time to fully surrender the reigns of my life to my Savior. It is time to submit myself fully to His control and influence. I will never honor Jesus with my efforts. I need His power to live, to serve, to love, to preach, to write, to live in holiness, and to persevere. I quit. I quit on myself. There is nothing good in me apart from Jesus. Today, freely "I Surrender All." "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus." Today "I Saw The Light." Today I choose to "Trust and Obey."

I acknowledge I cannot live a Jesus honoring life in my own strength and efforts. I confess my weakness. I confess my weak resolve. I confess my sinfulness. Jesus is sufficient. He is what I need.

Dear Self, 

I offer my resignation today effective IMMEDIATELY. I willfully surrender all rights to my life over to the ownership of Jesus Christ. From this point own He is my boss. He calls the shots. He directs my path. He charts my course. He navigates my journey. He fuels my fire. He empowers my service. He gets all the glory. 


Matt Edwards
Runaway Bay, TX

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Day God Made His Word Come Alive For This Weary Preacher

For three consecutive nights I did not get home until midnight or just before midnight. This Sunday morning I wore weariness like a heavy winter overcoat. To be truthful, I felt too tired to preach or at least, to preach effectively. I did not feel any passion for the passage nor had the message lit a fire in my heart.

I got up early to pray. Dutifully I coked the boys breakfast and dressed for what I did not feel would be success. We had poor attendance this morning. I stood in the back praying and feeling like the whole service would be a flop.

I studied for the message last Wednesday while in Louisiana. Due to the busy schedule I did not look over the notes but once. When it came time to preach I walked up the steps to the pulpit praying for God to move in me. What happened next is nothing short of a miracle in my book.

I actually walked down off the stage and away from my notes. I stood on the floor and God did what He has done thousands of other times in my life. He came and infused me with fresh passion, energy, insight, and anointing to do the most sacred work of preaching. [Phil 1:27-30] came alive in my heart even more so than when I studied last Wednesday.

Brenda told me she saw people sitting on the edge of their seats, others smiled nodding their head in agreement with God's truth, and a few offered hearty "amens". The weighty presence of the Lord flooded the atmosphere of that old warehouse we meet in for worship.

In hindsight, I sit here amazed. God did it again. God made His word came alive in this weary preacher. God revealed truth to His people. God met with a few worshippers. God moved us closer to His heart. All on a day when I had nothing to offer or contribute to a successful service.  Truth is I have never had anything to contribute even on my best day. It has always been God and His grace to use this human vessel. It is humbling that God chooses to use such a flawed vessel as me. I sure thank Him for doing so .I delight to think I will get to do it all over again should the Lord allow me to live to see next Wednesday and next Sunday. May God keep making His word come alive to this preacher.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Headed Home

After a wonderful week of services wth the FBC Hammond it is time to go back home. The Hammond FBC people were gracious, hungry for God to move, hospitable, and fascinating. As much as I enjoyed them, I am not home. My family is back in Texas. My bed is back in Texas. My clothes and books are back in Texas. So I am heading home.

I ate wonderful food and tried a few new things I had not tried before. Grits. Crabmeat Cheesy Casserole. Shrimp Remoulade salad. And I had an old favorite I had many years ago in a Shrimp Poboy sandwich.  Wonderful, spicy, and exotic foods. Yet it was not the home cooking I am used to.

While I met many people, shook many hands, even hugged a few necks,  I did not kiss anyone. I will kiss Brenda and the boys when I get back home.

I will board American Airlines flight 2302 from New Orleans to Dallas and take seat 28D on the aisle near the back of the plane. I will catnap on the way back. It will take about an hour and a half  to drive from the airport to get back home. I look forward to the reunion.

One day I will head to an eternal home. One day my labors on earth will be done. One day I will be called to the presence of Jesus. One day I will leave life on planet earth. One day I will be in the presence of Jesus, perfect holiness, love, joy, and eternal bliss. I might head home through the door or death or I might be raptured and like the old song says, "I'll Fly Away."

One day I'll head to my final destination. One day I can put all the burdens, trials, and sorrows behind me. On that day I will finally be home. I can only imagine what is in store on that day. To put sight to the Jesus I have imagined all these years will be worth decades of waiting. The Jesus who has guided me and spoken to me will not be separated by time or space. When that happens I will finally be home. I was not created for this world. I am just passing through. My home  in heaven will be an everlasting one. One day I finally be headed home.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Send The Fire

Lord I ask You to once again send the fire,
Taking our affections and devotion higher,
Send fire to refine, purge, and cleanse within,
Send fire so true revival can blaze once again,
Send fire in our hearts to burn away sin inside,
To cling to You Master we so often have denied,
So here I am once again asking for Your holy fire,
This is my prayer and faith filled fervent desire.

Fresh Anointing

In this day of modern technology, new techniques, and methodologies it would seem the kingdom of God would be advancing at a rapid rate. Many churches report they are plateaued or declining in attendance despite having all these modern conveniences. We have everything we could possibly want to make church more effective.

Money cannot buy everything. It cannot buy the fresh anointing of God. When I use the word anointing I mean the supernatural empowering of God's Spirit working through His servants. I am often amazed how much money and effort are spent in local churches and yet how little emphasis is put on prayer. I know we give lip service to prayer. We talk about prayer a lot. Fewer prayer meetings exist than what we talk about. Anointing is birthed in the prayer closet.

The fresh anointing of God can accomplish more in a few minutes and few days than we can ever accomplish on our own in decades of work without it. We need fresh anointing.

I just returned from the sanctuary of FBC Hammond where I spent a season of prayer pleading with God for fresh anointing over me, the pastor, the worship pastor, the youth pastor, and others who will attend the service tonight. I pleaded with the Lord for that fresh old fashioned anointing that technology cannot manufacture and that programs cannot produce.

I think of individuals and churches that have tapped into that supernatural anointing. I think of the Brooklyn Tabernacle that went from a few dozen people to several thousand when they began to pray. I think of the powerful ministry of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield during the First Great Awakening. Who can dispute the fresh anointing that rested on Billy Graham's ministry for decades. God used Charles Spurgeon to pack the Metropolitan Tabernacle year after year with souls being saved. God used uneducated D.L. Moody to win thousands up thousands to salvation through Jesus. Those men and many others I do not have time to mention all ministered under fresh anointing.

We need that fresh anointing as much today as those ever did. It appears the modern church is content to minister apart from such anointing. I say hold up. It is time for repentance to return to the house of God and spiritual leaders  admit their need of fresh anointing and trying to minister without it.

Busyness is not enough. Jesus told us to bear fruit. That means we are to be effective. Look around at the fruit. Are we filling the pews? If so are will filling them with people who are becoming devoted followers of Jesus? Are those in turn reaching out to other lost souls and bringing them to salvation? Are our churches revived and spiritual awakening sweeping our nation and the world? WE NEED FRESH ANOINTING. Will you cry out for it today?

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Unknown Road Ahead

Many people plan ahead. They map out a course for life, have goals, and work the plan to achieve those goals. People like to plan ahead for the future. Do any of us really know the future? Can any of us predict what will happen with certainty an hour from now, tonight, tomorrow, in a week, or next month.?We are all walking the unknown road ahead called life.

What a comfort to know God sees the future in full. NOTHING takes Him by surprise. He has a plan for every possible scenario including our obedience and disobedience. He is never taken by surprise. Never caught off guard or unaware. Never bewildered or surprised by anything. He sees this moment, the next, and to the end of time.

While we walk by faith down an unknown road we do not walk alone. God walks with us, strengthening us, guiding us, counseling us, preparing us, and upholding us if we seek Him and commit ourselves to following His leadership. He will do this in various ways.

From where I sit writing this I do not know what my schedule holds for the rest of this day until the service tonight in our spiritual emphasis meeting. The rest of the day is unknown. It is a mystery. So is the rest of my life.

Life has taken twists and turns I never expected. Some in the forms of triumphs bringing me closer to Jesus. Other twists and turns came in the form of trials that have tested and, in the end, strengthened my faith. I cannot see hours, weeks, months, or years down the road. So my gaze needs to be firmly fixed on Jesus to follow His lead.

Do you remember playing that game follow the leader as children? That game should have taught us all a very valuable spiritual lesson. While we may not be able to see the unknown road ahead we can certainly stay focused on God and tuck in behind Him for the long haul. He knows the way. He has, not only already seen the future, He has already been there working things for His purposes.

I cannot predict with certainty the future. What I can do is do what Abram did when he trusted God daily for direction when God told him to move to the land He would show him. Genesis 12:1 (NASB) 
1  Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father's house, To the land which I will show you; 

The word "show" has several meanings in that passage. It means to advise, make aware, show plainly, and give vision. Abram did not know where he was supposed to move. He hard God and trusted Him  for the unknown road ahead. Day by day God advised Abram where to go. He showed Him plainly a vision for, not only his own future as a father, but also for the building of a new nation. 

There were many twists and turns on that journey to Abram becoming Abraham and the father or a great nation. Through it all God worked. Through it all He made the road ahead known. He also made the path straight as Abraham did not rely on his own understanding. [Prov 3:5-6] He does the same for us. 

No matter what lies ahead our Father is faithful. In every storm, in every victory, at every crossroads, at every crisis He will faithfully lead us on the unknown road ahead. Remember it is  only unknown to us! He has already seen the future and already been there. 

Jesus Is Passing By

While in south Louisiana preaching a revival this week, my prayer is that Jesus will move powerfully in FBC Hammond, LA and in the lives of those who attend the services. We had two wonderful services yesterday. Yet, I cannot say we experienced revival. Not yet.

I am thinking of a story in Luke 18 about a blind man hearing that Jesus was passing by. Jesus was on His way to Jericho. He had a divine appointment to keep with Zacheus in Luke 19. The blind man seized the opportunity and cried out for Jesus to have mercy on him. Jesus stopped and helped the blind man.

How many times do we let the Spirit of Jesus pass right on by us because we do not cry out in desperation? How many times do we sit silently and maybe sullenly in our circumstances when Jesus is passing by? Is there anyone out there needing a fresh touch from the Lord? Is there anyone out there in need of miraculous intervention?

I am certain there are scores of people facing impossible situations. There are grieving people who cannot get past their broken hearts over the death of a spouse, child, or parent. There are many suffering with terminal diseases that cannot be healed with human hands. There are those drowning in debt. Others are maneuvering everything possible to save their marriage. Parents grieve over the sinful choices of their children. The list could go on.

In the middle of our troubles, trials, and tests Jesus passes by. He is available. He still keeps divine appointments. What if today He wants to meet with you? What if today He purposes to help you but  you let this moment pass and do not cry out in faith. What if you let this day pass because other days have come and gone without your getting the help you wanted so you gave up. What if doubt has grown stronger than faith and therefore, you don't even ask for a miracle anymore.

The Spirit of Jesus is passing by right where you are reading this. You can feel His presence. Why not stop reading the remainder of this and cry out to Him right now. Whatever weighs heavy on your heart this would be the perfect time for you to cry out to Him for His help, comfort, forgiveness, salvation,  provision, healing, restoration, or whatever else you might need. As He passes by today why not cry out for Him to stop and not pass you by.

I love the fact that Jesus stopped his journey because of the heartfelt praying of a nobody blind man on the side of the road. An obscure person in the scriptures who had a very public encounter with the Lord because he seized the opportunity.

I urge you to take advantage of this day, this blog, this opportunity to communicate your need to the Lord fervently. The blind man did so and received his sight. Only God knows what He can and is willing to do for you if you do not let Him pass you by.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Only For Jesus

Like many times before I packed a suitcase this morning.  I am heading to Hammond, LA to preach a revival for my friend Jeff. I have not preached a true to life revival in three years.

We made the trip to DFW airport. I said a quick goodbye to Brenda, Tucker, and Turner. I scurried in the airport trying to get my bearings. I have not flown in about six years.
I needed help at the Kiosk. I got pulled to the side during security because I forgot to put my wallet through the metal detector. The NSA agent nearly pulled my pants off patting me down. I thought to myself, "I would only do this for Jesus."

If I never traveled anywhere other than to do ministry that would suit me fine. If I never had to say goodbye to my family for multiple nights that would be fine with me. If I never got on another airplane or navigated another airport the rest of my life I could live with that. Yet the call of Jesus on my life to preach trumps all of that.

The call of God to invite sinners to repentance and salvation in Jesus is worth any hassle. The passionate longing to see churches revived still grips my soul. The desire to build God's kingdom is what I live for whether that be through praying, preaching, personal evangelism, or writing.

So here I am. Sitting at gate 28 preparing to board American Airlines flight 1300 bound for New Orleans. I anticipate what God will do. For weeks my prayers for FBC Hammond have been asking God what He wants to do and what He wants to say. I yearn to see fresh moves of our Father.

I think back on past revivals I have preached in Tyler, Lufkin, Lake Charles, Diboll, Odessa, and of course the 23 day revival in Seminole. I am humbled by the opportunity to preach another revival. I welcome the chance to see God move in fresh ways. I go into every revival not knowing when or where the Holy Spirit will be unleashed ushering in days of refreshing. Those things excite me as I anticipate what God might do.

So it is worth leaving Brenda and the boys behind. It is worth living out of a suitcase for a few days. It is worth sleeping in a strange bed and meeting new people. It is worth dealing with airport security. It is worth all of it.

It is even worth th day to day challenges any child of God encounters and endures. It is worth tenaciously reading the scriptures and clinging to faith. It is worth preaching my heart out week after week. It is worth the criticisms. It is worth the rejection. It is worth the empty altars. It is worth the financial trials. Jesus makes all of those things and more worth it.

May I adopt Paul's passion. Acts 20:23-24 (NASB) 
23  except that the Holy Spirit solemnly testifies to me in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions await me.
24  "But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Last Hill

Runaway Bay where we ride is a community with rolling hills. No matter what direction I take from our driveway there are several hills to negotiate when I cycle, walk or jog. Yesterday was no exception.

I went for a long walk to give my knees a break from the pounding they received jogging the day before. Brenda bought me a fitbit this year. That device worn like a watch keeps track of my steps, mileage, calories burned as well as flight of stairs climbed in a given day.

The walk started with several hills in a row. Before long the perspiration flowed on that humid day. One step after another took me through the community over one hill after another. I am not sure where it started but my lower back began to ache and feet began to throb from walking. My calves started  burned from all the hills.

I counted the steps up one long hill with three different tiers. 366 steps. All going up. With each step my breathing grew heavier, my shirt soaked with perspiration and my body wanted a break. One step after another I climbed that hill. Fatigue set in and all I could think about was getting back home and getting off my feet but, I knew I had a long way to go before  getting back home.

I did a mental calculation of the rest of the route and knew on the last leg of the walk I would encounter the steepest and longest hill of all. I dreaded it. There were other smaller hills to climb before that one. That last hill weighed heavy on my mind. Walking up that last hill would require a herculean effort.

I rounded a corner and saw the street sign followed by the last hill. The grade starts up with a steep climb followed by a gradual  long steady elevation to the end of the dead end road. I put my head down and started the uphill climb counting each step along the way. At 100 steps my calves started cramping. At 200 I dared not look up to the end of the road not wanting to see how far I had left. It turned out at 200 steps I was not even half way up that last hill. I do recall what I was thinking at 300 steps. It was a children's song. At 400 I could see the end of the road. At 466 I made it to the stop sign and the top. I overcame the last hill.

The rest of the walk home was either flat or downhill. When I walked into the house, after downing some water, all I waned to do was to get off my feet. I grabbed a beach towel and spread it on the living room  floor under a ceiling fan and laid down.

Many of you face your own last hills. For some it is another day at work. The work is hard and long. Each day when your alarm goes off and you think about the time you will but in will be an uphill climb on the job. Athletes face a last hill during the end of an athletic competition. When their bodies are exhausted they have to push themselves over the top. Some last hills look more like a mountain of debt. Debt beyond your control. This debt is not made up new cars, houses, or stylish clothes. This debt came from a steady flow of medical expenses beyond your control. Looking at that mountain of debt is your last hill to get over.

We all face last hills in life. Challenges. Obstacles. Adversity. Last hills come when you are already exhausted. The mental battle of facing last hills is crucial. It is funny how mentally a last hill can seem more like a molehill when your mind is right. When you are focused on God, faith, perseverance , and resolve not to quit many last hills in the end do not seem like such a chore. When the mind only thinks about the pain, the difficulty, and quitting last hills can seem to go on forever.

The ultimate last hill will be death. I recall a conversation I had with a man dying of cancer. He assured me he had no fear of death. He had trusted Jesus for salvation decades earlier. He did admit the process of dying scared him. He did not want to lose his faith in the last hours of the last days. He did not. He finished strong. He climbed that last hill and made it home to Heaven.

I am not sure what last hills you are facing. That last 466 step hill on my walk yesterday serves to remind me last hills can be overcome through Jesus who strengthens us. We just keep putting one foot in front of the other. It is funny but you know one of the things I kept thinking about while climbing that last hill? A song from a children's cartoon where the Winter Warlock learned to walk. The chorus in that song repeats the phrase, "Put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking across the floor. Put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking out the door."

That is life on planet earth in a nutshell. We keep putting one foot in front f the other. We keep going to work. We keep cooking meals, washing dishes, mowing the lawn. We keep supporting our chilldren, and grandchildren. We keep paying bills, maintaining vehicles and homes. We keep exercising, worshipping, pushing through fatigue to get the job done. We keep dealing with setbacks, and coping with disappointments.

Each step of the way Jesus is the source of our strength. Philippians 4:13 (NASB) 
13  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. The word strengthen means to "empower or enable." 

We all need that when facing the last hill of the day or the last hill of life. In those moments we lean more fully into Jesus and receive a supernatural infusion of intestinal fortitude we could never find on our own.

I know that last hill  on my walk is not the last hill  of my life. I see many more on the horizon. Yet I do not have to dread them. Through Jesus I will put one foot in front of the other and get to the top whether that means 466 steps, 4,066 steps, or 40,066 steps. He will empower and enable me  to make it to the top. One day I will climb my last hill on planet earth and the journey home will not be to a house made with brick and mortar. That journey will conclude in the Celestial city. Hallelujah! I long for that day and welcome that last hill. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Beaten Up But Not Beaten

How many are maligned, brow beat, beaten down, battered and bruised. Some by people. Some by the circumstances of life. Some limp along. Some get knocked down and stay down. They never recover. They never get up off the canvass. They never answer the next bell.

I heard the phrase, "I've been beaten up but I am not beaten," today. Have you been beaten up? Physically, emotionally, or psychologically? It happens everyday. Ask the battered wife a victim of domestic abuse. Ask the physically abused child who barely copes with life day in and day out and often acts out their pain in the classroom. Ask the bullied child who carries those wounds into adulthood.

How many workers are so emotionally beaten down by tyrant bosses they are barely able to function on the job. They grow disillusioned, bitter, and think about quitting. Eventually thoughts of quitting dominate the mind. If they persist sooner or later they will follows the thoughts.

How many people go through life beaten up and beaten. They are defeated. They give up on life. They give up on faith. Many times they give up on God. They are beaten.

This is not the attitude God wants us to approach life. He wants us to endure, to persevere, and to persist. Hebrews 12:1 (NASB) 
1  Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  James 5:10-11 (NASB)
10  As an example, brethren, of suffering and patience, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
11  We count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord's dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.

Jeremiah was beaten up, thrown into prison. He was beaten up but  not beat. He spoke for the Lord to the very end. Paul was stoned, whipped, flogged, and jailed. He was beaten up but not beaten. He never gave up. He kept pressing on. He endured. until they killed him. Jesus endured the cross. They killed him but they did not beat him. His death has brought triumph to millions of lives. 

Persevering people are an inspiration to me. I love reading their stories. They overcame obstacles and all odds. As a child I loved these stories in sports figures. Today I love these stories in Christians. Some such people will never have anything written about them. They write their own stories with their lives. The way they live is more masterful than anything an author could pen on a page. 

I salute every person who has been beaten up but is not beaten. I applaud your tenacity to cling to God, faith, and hope. I applaud your perseverance and gritty persistence. I affirm your determination to keep getting back up when you have been knocked down. You inspire me to do the same.  You may have been beaten up but not beaten. 

Selling Happiness

happy |ˈhapÄ“adjective (happierhappiestfeeling or showing pleasure or contentment: Melissa came in looking happy and excited | [ with clause ] :  we're just happy that he's still alive | [ with infinitive ] :  they are happy to see me doing well.
McDonalds for years have made a financial fortune selling happiness in little boxes called Happy Meals. They include a cheap burger or chicken nuggets french fries or apple slices, and a drink. The "Happy Meal" would not be complete without a cheap plastic toy. When my children were little they always wanted to eat at McDonalds and get a "Happy Meal." They could not wait to get the little toy often leaving their meal partially uneaten, except for Tanner. Tanner always ate his meal as well as his bothers if we let him. They were happy to play in the playground. After spending money on their happiness something always happened when we returned home. Their happiness did not last. The cheap toy broke. One brother did something to another brother. They did not want to clean their rooms, brush their teeth, or go to bed. NO more happiness for sons or parents. Our world is still trying to sell happiness. People fall for it everyday. A new cell phone cannot buy happiness. A new car cannot bring lasting happiness. Neither can new clothes, a new house, marriage, a new job, or anything else on this planet. I will concede that these things can bring temporary happiness. It does not last. Let that cell phone get dropped and the screen shattered. Let that new car get a scratch or a dent. Let that new house begin having maintenance issues.Let that new spouse not cook like mom or leave dirty clothes on the floor and dishes in he sink.  Let those new clothes get torn or stained. Let that new job become monotonous or you get criticized incessantly. I am selling the whole idea of happiness. Like a retail item on the self or an item in a grade sale I am seeing the idea of happiness. Happiness is an illusion. It comes from the words happen stance. Let the things happening around a person take a wrong turn and happiness ebbs like the waves at the beach. Happiness drains like water from a bathtub. Happiness melts like the ice in your glass of team on a summer day. Joy is a whole other matter. Joy comes from the Holy Spirit to a child of God. Joy has nothing to do with external circumstances. Joy can prosper in pain as well as prosperity. Joy is buoyant. It often brings both hope and peace. Pau exhorts to rejoice always. [Phil 4:4] We are not always going to be happy. How many times have a fallen for that lie. Many times I have planned family outings building up the location and experience in my mind of happy memories only to have them dashed on the rocks of a bad day. We fought. We had to wait in line. It was hot. The boys did not enjoy the experience like I hoped they would. Happiness the illusion we ever chase after but seldom capture and never corral forever. No. I am selling the whole idea of happiness and buying stock in joy. I believe the return on that investment will last into eternity. 


After a promising start as a National Football League starting quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings, Teddy Bridgewater suffered a season ending horrific knee injury in practice. Here is what he had to say in the days following that injury." In order to have a testimony, you have to have a test. I come from amazing DNA, I watched my mom fight and win against breast cancer. We will, as a team, attack my rehab with the same vigor and energy. My faith is strong, my faith is unwavering and my vision is clear. My purpose will not be denied."

I like what he said, "In order to have a testimony you have to have a test." I know many of you reading this are facing severe tests. Dreams have been shattered. Visions have died. Hearts have been crushed. Bodies have been devastated by disease. You have been tested. 

The faces of many people cross my mind. The widower pressing on without her husband. The athlete recovering from injury. The recently divorced picking up the pieces of a shattered life. The business person striving to hang on. The young man who misses his dad when he has to work out of town for weeks on end. The mom concerned for her children. The dad heavy laden for his children. The pastor who struggles to keep the faith. The missionary who often thinks of coming home. All the people who think about quitting on their marriages, their jobs, their dreams, and some even on life itself. 

Out of this broken garden of pain hope can take root and grow. We don't se it that way. We look at our pain as reason to lose hope. I recall many years ago after a very painful season of ministry my friend Jimmy taking me on a little ride. We drove way out in the country and he showed me a completely burnt pasture. There was not a speck of green. Everything was black charred with ashes. The whole sight was ugly. I will not soon forget what he said that day. "All you see now is the black and death. If you come back in a few weeks you will see green and new life. Out of these ahses new life will come again." 

He went on to apply that truth to my painful circumstances. He was right. My circumstances did not change right away. In fact they continued for months after that little lesson. Yet in that garden of pain hope did grow as I walked with God, sought Him for direction, and experienced new faith. Out of that test God gave me a testimony. 

Other tests have followed. Many much more severe. Out of those painful experiences God grew hope. My faith grew stronger. My testimony expanded. I look back on those unpleasant experiences like the charred pasture I saw with Jimmy. I hated those experiences. I doubted what God was doing back then. In each instance I can see how God grew hope in the garden of pain. I can see with each test God gave another testimony. 

Those testimonies have formed many of these blogs and the books I've written. Sermons I've preached are saturated with the stories of God's faithfulness. I can point people to  a gracious Savior who sustains in all seasons of life. 

I am confident I will have more tests before I die and so will you. In each one we will have the opportunity to trust God, gain new hope, and gain a new testimony. You can't have a testimony without some tests. 

What Are You Living For?

Philippians 1:21 (NASB)
21  For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 

In a newsletter article William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, wrote the following; "What are you living for? What is the deep secret purpose that controls and fashions your existence? What is the end of your marrying and giving in marriage, your money making and toilings and planning?"

Paul answered those questions simply. To live is Christ. The purpose of life for a Christian is to love Christ, serve Christ, follow Christ, model Christ and to tell others about Christ. Squeeze Paul with pressure through persecution and Christ comes out repeatedly. It is to be the same for us. 

It is easy to forget this. In a world full of distractions like  ball games, entertainment, work, recreation, family, and church we forget the essence of life is Christ and our service to Him. We forget all those other things are temporal and will not matter in the light of eternity. 

Paul also writes death is gain. The word gain means profitable and advantageous. How easily we also forget we were created for another world. This is not all there is. This world is a passing shadow in comparison to eternity. Paul saw death is something profitable. Do we? 

I like what the famous evangelist o, D.L. Moody, nce said as he neared death gathered by loved ones. He said, "One day you will hear or read in the papers D.L. Moody died. Don't believe a word of it. I will be more alive then than I have ever been." 

To forever be with Jesus is gain. To never experience death or attend another funeral is gain. Heaven is beyond our comprehension.

What are you living for? Is Jesus the essence of life for you? Do you look at your eventual death as gain? If you put your trust in Jesus for salvation, Jesus is your purpose for living and death will be a profitable day. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

God Got All Of Him

William Booth was a zealous soulwinner, a bold preacher, and a compassionate servant to the poor and destitute. He and his wife Cathryn founded the Salvation Army. God used them both mightily.

William was once asked the secret to his being used so powerfully by God. Here is what he said. "When I was fifteen God got all of William Booth." Later his daughter Eva elaborated on this point. She said the true secret was that Booth never took his life back from God.

How much of you does God have? This is a question I presented to our students this past Wednesday night. I challenged them to get on the floor face down and surrender all of their live sto God. When I asked them reasons why they would not want to do that one girl said the loss of control over her life. A guy said fear of God calling him to somewhere like China. Another said there are so many distractions. There are a lot of excuses but are any of them valid.

When we needed a Savior Jesus did not hold back. He gave everything down to his last breath. He demands and deserves all of Matt Edwards there is. He demands and deserves all of you there is.

The average life span for a person in the United States is 79. If I live that long I have three decades left. I want God to have all of me for those thirty years. It is does not matter what He demands, where He leads, or what He requires me to sacrifice. That all pales in comparison to what He gave for my salvation and what He has prepared for me in eternity.

How many years do you estimate you have left? How much of you does God have? Some content themselves to give a fraction or half. God wants all of you. Your mind. Your heart. Your hands and feet. Your passion. Your money. Your dreams and ambitions. Your all for Him always.

I read that statement about William Booth this week. It bit into my soul. I have not been able to shake it. I want to be able to say at 49 and all the remaining days that God got all of Matt Edwards. Will you  make the same surrender?