Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Wake Up Calls

I have not used an alarm clock in several decades. Brenda does. The sound is startling and unpleasant. Normally I awake in the early morning hours before her to read, pray and study. Many times I will go back to bed to get an extra hour of sleep before the beginning of the day. Brenda's alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m. sharp five days a week.

There are other wake up calls. The kind God gives when He wants to get someone's attention. Those wake up calls can come in many forms. They are often meant to bring people to repentance and a return to a right relationship with the Lord.

Some people hit their alarms on the morning with the snooze button which allows another ten minutes before it sounds again. How many people hit the snooze on God refusing to answer His wake up calls. They ignore His alarm or they outright reject it.

God gave Jonah a wake up call in a storm when Jonah refused to go to Nineveh. He literally went down and fell asleep in the ship. The sailors had to awaken him. He still refused to repent and preferred to be thrown overboard than submit to God.

God sent another wake up call when He sent the great fish to swallow Jonah whole. Only then did Jonah finally repent and commit to obey the Lord. Even then he did it reluctantly and pouted in the end.

Has God sent you a wake up call. They come in many forms. Have you heeded that wake up call.

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