Sunday, August 7, 2016

Then There Were Four

It is official. We are down to four in the Edwards household. Taylor left for his junior year of football on Friday. I still miss him when he leaves and enjoyed the time we shared working out this summer. We delivered Tanner to Wayland Baptist University for his freshman year of football. I have thought about him numerous times over the past twenty-four hours. I so glad for him getting to live out his dream of playing college football. He went to church today with his new offensive line coach.

Lunch after church today was smaller and cheaper. We only needed a table for four. I thought about the numerous times over the years when we needed a table for six. From Happy Meals to Mexican food  to Taylor's recent 21st birthday celebration we have shared many happy memories.

I tried to give my boys my time, and unwavering support over the years. They have always been a high priority for me. We have played together, worked together, exercised together, traveled together, cooked together, studied the Bible together, and worshipped together.

I am not a parent who wants to hold my children back. I want them to each follow God's path and I know that will mean most likely they will not always live near me. I do not want to hold them back. I want them to all follow God's dreams and plans for them.

Two of them are well on their way. The oldest two both want to teach and coach; one english and one history.

Still it saddens me that half of my boys are just about gone out of the house permanently. Tucker is now driving. Turner is an eighth grader. I want to make the most of the time I have with each of them.  Lord willing the older boys will be back for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those will be special occasions. We will laugh. We will catch up.

I will see them play football. One in Brownwood. One in Plainview. The younger two in and around Paradise. Those boys will never know how much I love them and how proud I am of each of them. What a blessing that out of all the fathers in the world God chose me for each of them. Along with Brenda nothing is a greater blessing to me other than my personal salvation than my boys. .

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