Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Perfecting Work Of Jesus

Philippians 1:6 (NASB)
6  For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Are you blood bought, redeemed, and saved by the blood of the Lamb? Have you experienced amazing grace, the power in the blood, and is it well with your soul? When the roll is called up yonder will you be there and will you one day fly away?

If so this is a reminder for you. Jesus is not finished with you. He will continue working on and in you all the days of your life. He will mature you, perfect you, refine you, shape you, teach you, convict you, bring you to repentance, enlighten you with revelation, and fresh encounters with Him.

What He started in you before you were saved through opening your eyes to the gospel, leading you to repentance and salvation was an investment He will make good on. His work in your life did not stop on the day of your salvation. No. Most assuredly it continues to this very day and this very hour. He will perfect, or to put it another way, complete and fulfill what He began in you.

I cannot tell you what encouragement that brings me. I know my inconsistencies. I know how often I begin well and then flounder before the finish. I know how easily distracted I get, how this world can entice me away from Jesus and things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Even so, Jesus never quits working on me and the same goes for you.

As we yield to His unrelenting work we progress in the faith. We make another lap in the race of life. We gain new ground and new insights along the way. Sadly, some refuse to submit and continue learning the same lessons over and over again for an entire lifetime. They should have matured but they still need to be fed bottles of spiritual milk like an infant rather than feasting on the meat of doctrine and deep truth. Even in this Jesus continues persistently and patiently to work on His own children.

One day all the striving, stress, trials and tests will be over. For the saved will graduate to Heaven. We will promote from this world to a celestial city we cannot even fathom in our wildest imaginations. Jesus will help us get there. When we get tired He will be our strength. When we give into temptation His grace will forgive and cover us. When we get distracted by the cars of this world His peace will guard our hearts and minds. When we get heavy laden He will give us rest as we cast our cares on Him. He will sustain us in the hard times as well as the easy times. He will usher us all the way to glory. That is reason for celebration. Hallelujah!

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