Monday, August 15, 2016

Abiding In His Presence

Millions gathered for worship this past weekend. How many abided in the presence of God? How many truly encountered Him contrasted with how many enjoyed the entertainment.

It is Monday morning here in Runaway Bay. I am contemplating abiding in the presence of the Lord this morning. In our personal lives well as in corporate worship.

I had to ask myself some hard questions. Do I really want to abide in the presence of the Lord. I am not intimidated by religious routines of quiet times or normal worship services. It is a whole other matter to abide in His presence. He changes everything. He brings us into submission, to repentance, to reverential fear, and into true holiness. His presence, though available, is often ignored for the familiar religious routines.

Aren't we tired of the worn out routines devoid of the presence of God. I am convinced much of what we call worship services do not honor God. I believe He is grieved when we sing the old anthems of the faith from rote memory but with a stale heart and a cold love. Likewise, I believe God is not honored when we have bands playing new songs without reverence and people acting like they are at a concert instead of worship. I believe pastors can preach sermons not empowered by the Spirit of God though they may be doctrinally correct. I also believe people can hear truth expounded while not truly listening to the truth being preached or taught.

Do we really want God's abiding presence in corporate worship? What would that look like? How long would that service last? What would happen during altar calls? If we were honest I think many would say they prefer the tried true method of maintaining the status quo rather than having God truly show up week after week and doing serious work among His people.

Sometimes in the middle of a service I stop singing and ask the Lord if He is honored by what we are doing. I want to know if He is pleased with the preaching or did I preach to tickle ears and be complimented by men. Is His spirit grieved or embraced as we respond to the truth shared that morning.

Though it appears risky to my flesh and normal routines of Sunday, I want the abiding presence of God  to fill His house. I am not talking about weird manifestations or signs. I just want the awareness that God has shown up, He has drawn us close to Him, and we will never be the same.

In times of devotion I want the courage to linger long in His presence rather than to rush through the ritual of a quiet time. I want to press in past the noise, past the distractions, and past the routine into His abiding presence. I want to sit at His feet. I want to press near to His heart. I want to hear Him speak. I want to know Him rather than content myself to merely know about Him. I want His presence and His truth to saturate my soul.

Anything less will never satisfy. Anything less will not transform my life nor this world. Anything less is not God's best for me, those who read this, or His church. Lord, abide with us, strip away our pride, ego, rebellion, flesh until we are more fully aware of your abiding presence in private and corporate worship.

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