Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Lip Service

Isaiah 29:13 (NASB)
13  Then the Lord said, "Because this people draw near with their words And honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts far from Me, And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, 

While the United States in the past prided itself on being a Christian nation the truth is we are a nation of lip service today. Many churches are declining in attendance. Even those who attend worship services often do so out of religious obligation rather than to draw near to God. We sing "O How I Love Jesus" but do not give Him the time of today. We say we believe His word and yet many Bibles are never cracked open in a month's time. We say we yearn for truth and yet accumulate preachers who tickle the ears and do not rock the boat. We say Christ is the Head of the church and yet how many wrangle and manipulate to have controlling power over local congregations. We say we don't want people to perish in hell and yet sit silently tight lipped while by the tens of thousands people plunge into wrathful eternity without having heard a personal gospel witness. We say we believe in the power of prayer and yet the prayer meeting is nearly extinct. Like I said earlier, we are a nation of Christian lip service.

God predicted such a day would come. A day when people would draw near with words. They would honor Him, or to put it another way, they would respect and magnify with only words. Their actions did not follow what they were saying.

In addition, they removed their hearts far from God. That means they abandoned God and distanced themselves far from Him. These were God's chosen people. Is it different today for Christians. How many say the right things, do some of the right things, but internally they have distanced themselves far from a close relationship with their Creator. They have abandoned Him for other priorities like work, materialism, comfort, convenience, and security.

Such people do not revere God. That means they do not fear Him. People sin with a casual attitude that accompanies grace preaching without being balanced with holiness peaching and living. Who fears God anymore in the church? We hear about God's love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, but seldom hear about His wrath, judgment, justice, and the consequences for those not forgiven. We hear sermons about trying harder and doing more but seldom hear about loving Him and submitting to Him in communion rather than rote tradition. God desires a relationship with people. He desires more than people following rules, regulations, and religious routines.

Even contemporary churches do things out of rote tradition. A person can sing the newest song week after week and it can become meaningless. We sing from rote memory rather than a heart inspired to awe an awesome God. Contemporary churches do things by rote  just like traditional churches. Don't believe it. Watch what happens when the music starts. People stand. Teenagers have been trained to stand at youth events. They do so in the church I serve but do they worship. Do they sing. Do they engage their hearts with God in expressions of love and adoration. If not why do they stand. If they are not going to engage in worship wouldn't God be more honored if they sat rather to stand because everyone else is.

We give a lot of lip service to God these days. I am appalled at how few people bring a Bible to a worship service or a Bible study. How can we truthfully say He is our Lord and we do not even know what He says in His word much less obey it. I have little doubt if people do not see bringing a Bile to church they probably do not prioritize reading it in devotions.

Repentance is in order for the people of God. We must close the distance between us and God in humility and a desire for more of Him and less lip service and tradition by rote. Those things will never fulfill. Will we draw near to God and believe He will draw near to us. Will we connect ourselves with lip service for the rest of our days.

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