Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Real Knowledge

So many people make decisions for Jesus but ultimately fade away. They do not endure. Some still attend worship services. They still hear Bible studies and sermons but they do not have a desire to learn. Do these have a real knowledge of the Lord and salvation. Maybe they made an emotional decision but did they come to real knowledge of Jesus Christ? This will matter most in eternity.

In our rush to get people to walk an aisle, decide for Jesus, pray the prayer, and follow in baptism are we rushing people through without them ever having come to a real knowledge of the Lord. If a person has no love for God, no desire for worship, little rowth in God's word, no Christian service or not want Christian fellowship something is dreadfully wrong. Do such people have a real knowledge of the Lord.

Real, true, genuine knowledge of the Lord comes through conviction of sin, repentance of sin, faith in Jesus for salvation, and an inward transformation that expresses itself outwardly.  In such a person's life there will be the continual process of sanctification, maturity, for the rest of their days. That signifies real knowledge of the Lord. May our pews be filled with those people and those coming to a true saving knowledge of Jesus. No more pretending. No more con jobs. No more faking Christianity. May we not settle for untying less than true knowledge.

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