Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lord, What Are You Doing?

It is 4:00 a.m. and I have been up for the last hour crying out to God. Much of that praying has revolved around these points. "Lord, please show me what You are doing. Lord, I ask for the courageous faith to get in on what You are doing. Lord, I ask You to show me the heart of people and let me see them as you see them. "

My head is swimming and has been for the past 48 hours. Though I have attended football games and even helped coach a game my mind is elsewhere on what God is doing in me, around me, and prayerfully what He will do through me. Things like ball games have taken on less importance for me even though I have sons playing on four different teams. Football has always been a big part of my life and a passion.

God is stirring a greater passion in my soul. A passion for Him. A passion for genuine revival. Not the kind we bookend with starting dates and ending dates. Trying to plan and control the fresh outpouring of God in a church or community would be like trying to dam the mighty Mississippi River. True revival cannot be contained or controlled.

What is God doing around me? For over a year He has been giving me dreams. Very vivid and detailed dreams. All of the dreams have come after times of prayer. They all have a common theme. Prayer that leads me to preaching with greater anointing, and revival that spreads in the hearts of people. A year ago, a lady asked me to join her in praying for Kermit, TX. I agreed to do so but soon forgot all about Kermit, TX until last week. Through two dreams Kermit, TX has been on the forefront of my mind and heart. Those dreams and what has transpired afterward are much of the reason why my head is swimming and I can't sleep as I cry out to God. God, what are You doing?

The older I get the less interested I am in going off on tangents following my foolish dreams. Sadly I have wasted many years of living and ministry asking God to bless things I did. I do not want to take a step to do anything that He does not will or initiate. So when I pray, "Lord what are You doing? Show me what You are doing so I can get in on it," that is paramount in my desire and determination. I do not want to waste another minute of my life chasing after things God did not initiate.

As I sit here this morning, I cannot deny God took the initiative to place Kermit, TX on my heart and mind. I DO NOT KNOW WHY! I have more questions than answers. WHY ME? GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN ME? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN KERMIT? WHAT CONNECTION CAN ANY OF THAT HAVE? ARE YOU CALLING ME TO GO PREACH A REVIVAL THERE? ARE YOU UP TO SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT?

Kermit is a small West Texas town of 5,800 people. There are three Baptist churches, a Pentecostal church, a Methodist Church, and a Church of Christ. I am sure there is also a Catholic church as well but I did not see that listed on the internet. The town is made up of about 58% Hispanic, well over 35% anglos, and the rest a mixture of others. The income level is slightly less than the sate average. The town is located about 45 miles from Odessa.

I don't have any clue what God is doing there. Why did God lay Kermit on my friend's heart in Seminole, TX? Why did she feel prompted to ask me to join her in prayer for that town a year ago? Why did I have two very viivid dreams where Kermit played such a prominent role in them? Why did a lady from Kermit read my blog about those dreams? How did she or anyone from that town even find that blog? Why have over 500 people read that one blog to date? Why did that one lady read the blog and make the effort to track down my phone number? Why did she go the extra mile and call a complete stranger to talk to me about what she has been praying for over the past three years?

In all of this I can only sit back in prayer, no matter the hour of the day or night, and fervently ask, Lord what are You doing? Please reveal that to me and give me the courageous faith to join You and get in on it. In Jesus name, amen. 

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