Monday, September 29, 2014

A Normal Life

Does God intend for His children to live a normal life? Before that question can be answered, what is a normal life.? People laugh. People weep. People enjoy triumphs and work through trials. People see God move powerfully and then go through dry spells when it seems God is silent but not absent. They love and they have their hearts broken. They celebrate life and grieve over death.

Does the normal life look like a family with wonderful kids, a nice home, fulfilling work, plenty of money in the bank, and engagement in a meaningful body of Christ? Does a normal life mean great health, a shiny new car, fashionable clothing, a manicured lawn, and the nicest and latest gadgets? Does the normal life look like, on the other hand, living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to keep ahead and manage the household, labor to keep running the rat race, chasing kids from event to event, and not having meaningful involvement at any church.

Does the normal Christian life look like the two young married couples who recently forsook the American dream to pursue God's dream for ministry in drug cartel invested Columbia? Or does it look like the upwardly mobile young couple on the fast track to success. What does the normal life look like for a believer?

When I read about the lives of the apostles and Paul they certainly did not live the life of luxury and ease. They suffered. They sacrificed. They served. They seldom settled in any one location for very long. Most of them did not enjoy their retirement years. Most of them did not even reach retirement age.

Paul wrote so much powerful truth under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This is what he wrote as his normal life in Acts 20:24. I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God. 

What is normal? That we not count our live dear to ourselves. We live just the opposite in this age. Our lives of inflated importance and self gratification are of paramount importance to us. What matters most and should be most important is to follow the course God has set for us. We hoist our sails to catch God's wind and allow Him to blow us where He wills.

That includes when and whom to marry or if to marry. That includes where to live and where to serve Him in a local body of believers. That includes what profession we choose. That also includes what ministry He gives us. Some teach Sunday School. Some use their gift of hospitality to welcome newcomers. Others use their gift of mercy to minister to suffering people in the flock. Some organize. Some have a passion for missions and work tirelessly to raise money and send volunteers. Some are called to preach and others to preach in evangelistic crusades. All are to have a ministry.

What should be normal for the Christian is that you have received and are exercising your ministry where God planted you. And part of that ministry for all of us will be constantly testifying of the grace of God. We are to do it in our natural course of life with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. That is supposed to be the normal life.

Following Jesus is New Testament normal. Walking by fearless faith is New Testament normal. Being bold in the faith is New Testament normal. Living as a bond-servant to Christ is New Testament normal. Laying everything down to follow the call of Jesus is New Testament normal. That is the normal I pray we all long for.

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