Friday, January 3, 2014

Their World Gets Smaller

How we take youth for granted. We used to run, play, and live life with boundless energy when we were younger. As the years passed we discovered new aches, a few pains, and limitations in our physical abilities. I have watched this go full circle as people navigate their senior adult years.

Over time a senior adult's world begins to get smaller. Many of the people they loved, befriended, and shared life with die off one by one. A new generation comes along at church busy making a living, raising their families who do not know or take the time to get to know many of the senior adults around them. As the senior's health deteriorates more and more their world gets smaller and smaller.

Once these people were young, active, energetic, successful, beautiful, handsome, and influential. As the years takes their toll their world gets a little smaller. They know less people. They do not get out as much as they once did. The days comes when they cannot get out of the house by themselves. They can no longer shop for themselves or drive themselves to places. They become more and more dependent on others for help. Time marches on and takes away vitality and strength.

Soon the senior adults find themselves confined to the prison of their home. Some get to share this with a beloved spouse. Many others have to endure these years alone. The phone never rings. Letters do not come in the mail. They do not receive emails or text messages. Nobody comes to visit. These once vibrant people are forced to endure an isolation they did not choose and do not want. They suffer silently while the world passes them by. Time marches on.

I have seen seniors health decline so suddenly that a trip from the bedroom to the living room becomes a chore.  What used to be routine becomes a major triumph. Sadly I have seen things get even worse until senior adults are confined to their bed or to a bed in care center facility for the elderly. Some pass into eternity rather quickly at this point. Others linger on for years in physical pain and mental anguish. Their worlds get smaller and smaller.

Should Jesus tarry many of us will know this experience. Youth is fleeting. We try to grasp hold of it. We do it through exercise, coloring our hair, skin softeners, plastic surgery, and a host of other things. Old age still comes. People's worlds still get smaller. Eventually we will all face the reality of death with those we love and in our own lives.

So what is the point? Two scripture truths come to mind to be contemplated. [Ps 90:10,12] As for the days of our life they contain seventy years, or if due to strength eighty years, yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; for soon it is gone and we fly away. So teach us to number our days that we might present to You a heart of wisdom." The truth we must take to heart is even though we are getting older we need to live each day to the fullest. We need to enjoy the embrace of those we love. We need to laugh, weep, savor the meal, walk closely with the Lord and serve Him steadfastly while we have life down here. While we have youth we do not need to take it for granted.

As I write this I am forty-seven. I have more life behind me than in front of me if I live to the average age of most adults. My physical limitations are mounting. Yet I am still active. I can still exercise, drive myself, and do most things I want to do. I am in my middle age years. This is sobering. There are still numerous things I want to do before my world gets smaller. Let us number our days and redeem the time while we still have the chance.

The other truth I focus on tonight is found in [Ps 71:17-18] "O God, You have taught me from my youth, and I still declare your wondrous deeds. And even when I am old and gray; O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to all who are to come." Even when our physical worlds begin to shrink God does not abandon us and we still have purpose. That purpose is to declare His strength to those around us. We can do this with family, with health care providers, with friends, and neighbors. We must resolve with God's help to do this. I just learned of a woman who recently died of cancer and suffered mightily. While in pain and suffering she still volunteered in Vacation Bible School this past summer only months before she died. Though she had to lay on the floor and direct those helping her in the room in with instructions of what to do she still lived out her purpose to the end. To the very end she declared God's wondrous deeds and His strength to those around her.

I don't know where you are at on your journey through life. Wherever you are I hope you will not take life for granted. I hope you will still serve God even as your world begins getting smaller and smaller. I hope you will endure in the faith to the end.

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