Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Broad and Full Intelligence

Our world is fascinated with education. People still naively believe that with enough education we can create an utopian society. It will never happen. Sin will always get in the way. The more education a person acquires they will only become an educated sinner.

Don't get me wrong. I am not against education at all. I look back with fond memories on my elementary education. I recall the excitement on the days we got to visit the library and check out books. I held the book order catalogues with eager excitement marking my selections and working up a persuasive sells speech to get money for the books from my mother. She never said no. My love of reading goes back that far.

By the world's standards I have acquired a modest level of education. I write this in an office surrounded by thousands of books. So much of my work as a pastor is book work in studying for messages, writing blogs and authoring new books. I have ample tools to do this and education to know how to use these tools. All this book knowledge is good. There is a place for it.

All of this education, though, does not necessarily mean I or any other educated person will always make the right decision. We need something more than book smarts to make intelligent decisions. We need the wisdom of God.

When God asked Solomon what he wanted here is Solomon's response. Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people for who can rule this great people of Yours? [II Chronicles 1:10] We are in no less need of wisdom today. Educated people are making a mess of our country from the White House to your neighbor's house. Educated people are making foolish decisions from the backwoods to Hollywood. We need more than education. We need wisdom that can only come from God.

The book of Proverbs is filled with admonition to gain wisdom. A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire counsel. [Prov 1:5] The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. [Prov 1:7] Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to  understanding. [Prov 2:2] For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. [Prov 2:6]

In the book of James we are exhorted to pray for wisdom. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all generously and without reproach and it will be given to him. [James 1:5]

One definition for the word wisdom is broad and full intelligence. This can only come from God and the fear of God. When we have leaders, who claim to be educated, speak with eloquence, and are put in influential positions, but they do not have the wisdom of God they will lead us astray every time. Let it be a person on board or committee at church, a school board member, a member of corporate board of directors, a politician, or a pastor. If they do not have God's wisdom they will not lead effectively.

I am amazed at the foolish decisions politicians make. Self centered, egotistical, manipulative, and foolish decisions are made in Washington all the time. Where is God's wisdom. People go there saying they will make a difference and have convictions. Before long they compromise convictions for personal gain. They are blinded by greed and ambition. Foolish decisions are voted on. Freedoms are forsaken.

How many churches are led by wise pastors and wise church members. I have encountered and heard about more power struggles in churches by power hungry pastors and church members than I hear about in corporate America. We rely on education for the latest models and methodologies for ministry. Wisdom is discarded like rubbish. Biblical principles and God's wisdom are being neglected to our own peril as churches and as a nation.

Even in the home wisdom is not sought. People make the foolish choice to go deeper and deeper into debt. This adds stress to the family. Parents often neglect God's wisdom in raising their children opting for the advice of Oprah, Dr. Phil, and celebrities who cannot even get their own acts together.

This is a cry for wisdom. One of the things I pray most often when entering a church meeting of any type is that God would grant His wisdom. I need wisdom to pastor. I need wisdom to raise my kids. I need wisdom to handle my finances. I need wisdom to relate to people. I need wisdom to resolve conflict. I need wisdom to make decisions that effect my future. WE ALL NEED WISDOM. God's wisdom.

Lord, I ask you grant your broad and full intelligence in our day to day decision making. I ask you to give your wisdom as we appoint and elect people to lead us. I ask you to give us your wisdom in decision making at the churches we attend. I ask you to give us your wisdom on our jobs and as we relate to people. May we fear you and keep our ears attentive to your wisdom. Education can never provide this. True wisdom only comes from you. In Jesus name, amen.

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