Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Can I Sit In Your Lap

Last night after dinner I sat in my recliner reading a book. I looked up and noticed Turner approach me and then back away. I asked what he wanted and he commented he wanted to sit in my lap but I was reading a book. He sat in Brenda's chair and the dog jumped up in his lap.

I thought to myself, "Those moments will not last forever. Quit reading and enjoy your son." Before I could make the offer he was off to some other activity. Opportunity missed.

Later on in the evening I was still in my chair but this time with my computer. Turner again approached me but this time he asked, "Dad, can I sit in your lap?" I immediately shut down the computer and welcomed him under the blanket I sat under.

He did not want one other thing from me than my love and attention. He remained there for forty-five minutes. We laughed watching television. We hugged a time or two. My favorite part was when Turner laid his head back on my chest. Reluctantly I prayed for him and sent him off to bed when the time came. I treasured that time with my son.

As you and I get older the stresses of life increase. We face stresses at home, at work, over finances, in relationships. We also live with the tension of trying to please and honor God against the constant assaults and temptations of the enemy. Most people I know are busy. Way too busy. Up early and back to bed late pushing the pedal to the floor in their lives in between.

Few people I encounter look truly rested. They look exhausted. Not just from lack of sleep but because life is hard. There are so many challenges and heartaches. Yet, most people I encounter are not doing well spiritually. They attend worship services and some even serve in places at their church or in the community. Yet, they do this on spiritual fumes. They are like a car running on empty until one day they run out of gas. They have nothing left to give.

O, that we would slow down long enough and just ask God, "Can I sit in your lap for awhile." If you were fortunate enough to grow up with loving and nurturing parents you remember how it felt to sit in your dad's or mom's lap for awhile. You were comforted, loved, and secure there.

How much more do we as adults need that same comfort, love, security, and peace that only God can give. As we get older we don't sit in people's laps much anymore. Taylor, Tanner, and Tucker NEVER sit in my lap anymore. Two of them weigh well over 200 pounds. They will never get too big to sit in God's lap. Neither will you.

I challenge you to do that today. Slow down long enough to sit in God's lap. Let him minister to your weary and worn soul. Unload your cares on him. Cry if you need to. Receive his love and peace. Let the Lord embrace you in his security and reassure you he is still in control of the affairs surrounding your life. Let him heal your broken heart and reshape your broken dreams. Listen to his counsel and trust him in obedience. Most of all, simply enjoy him and love him.

Mary and Martha entertained Jesus and the disciples once. Martha busied herself in the kitchen preparing the meal. Mary seated herself at the feet of Jesus and listened to him. Martha became irritated that Mary was not in the kitchen helping with the meal. Finally, Martha could stand it no longer and confronted the situation. Jesus responded differently than Martha anticipated. He said, "Martha Martha. You are worried and bothered by so many things. Only one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice and it will not be taken away from her." [Luke 10:41-42]

The right choice is to slow down and sit with God awhile. It you and I approaching the throne of grace and asking like a child, "Father, can I sit in your lap for awhile."

More than God wants your service today he wants your love. He wants you to stop all your ceaseless activity so you can sit with him awhile. He wants to revive you spiritually and minister to you. Slow down today and climb up in his lap. Listen for every word of life he speaks. Receive the warmth of his comfort and the tranquility of his peace over your life. Your circumstances might not change right away but you will be changed. That is my hope and prayer for all of us today.

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