Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Everybody is Going Through Something

Everybody is going through something. I recently sat in a room with some other minister friends of mine. I do not use that word friends lightly. I know several ministers but am friends with only a few. As we sat around talking one by one each shared a problem or trial they are facing. I am talking about men in their late fifties down to thirties. Each one had a story to tell. Each one has something they are battling and trusting God to do for them. Each has a mountain they need God to move.

Around me this week I met with a family who lost their mother two days ago and step father three and a half weeks ago. I have another minister friend serving in a very difficult situation. I have another friend in ministry battling some health issues. I can think of at least two others who face financial difficulties every month.

Everybody is going through something. You are not alone in suffering. [I Pet 4:12] Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you.

Some are suffering from illness. Some suffer in isolation. Some suffer silently while others want the world to know. Some people are being tried and tested in ways we could not imagine. Some press on in faith. Some give into despair.

What is the point today? Two things. First, open your eyes. You are not alone in enduring hardships. Everybody is up against something. Difficulties abound but so does the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. [Phil 4:7]

The second point today is to get your eyes off your own stuff so you can minister to someone else. I am about to drive to see a friend just diagnosed with something serious. I want to pray with him and encourage him. I am practicing what I am preaching to you.

Can you take some time today to turn your focus onto those suffering around you? Will you take some time to be an extension of the heart, hands, and mouth of Jesus for someone as you minister to them. I know you deal with your own stuff. It will be still be there most likely at the end of the day. If you can divert your mind from your own problems to those of others I am certain it will be a welcome relief if even for just a couple minutes or hours.

Lord, please open our eyes and hearts to those around us who need a fresh touch from you. Show who needs prayer, who needs encouragement, who needs a visit, text, phone call, or letter. In Jesus name, amen.

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