Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We Need Revival

Do we truly want revival? It seems to me most churches are perfectly content to continue on with business as usual without it. If I have learned one thing about revival from reading history and experiencing small tastes of it personally, REVIVAL IS COSTLY. There are few who want to pay the price.

Revival inevitably leads to repentance and a return to holiness. Revival always means prayer. It takes prayer to give birth to revival and more prayer to sustain revival. The prayer meeting is just about extinct in the 21st Century church.

I read about men and women who were so hungry for God to move they would spend whole nights in prayer. Most churches seem perfectly content to do church as usual. The pews are filled and the offering plates are also full. Leaders are satisfied with these lesser blessings. 

Are altars full of people broken over sin in their lives and sin in our land? I was watching a news program the other day and heard that one of the anchors recently got married. I was sick to my stomach when Brenda revealed to me this man had married another man and recently returned from his honeymoon. Does anything sicken or shock the church anymore?

Are baptistries full and regularly in use with new converts following Christ in believer's baptism? Do those new converts stay the course or do they fall away like is the case so often these days?

Revival is costly but we must have it. I pray for God to call his church back to the prayer meeting and back to the altars at the church while we still have time. Lord, give us revival or may we die in pursuit of you for it.

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