Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Offering

Lord, I come to make my offering. I do not have riches to give. My talents are few. My possessions are of no great value to you. What I offer to you this day is all of me. I want you to have all my passions, all my dreams, all my soul, all my love, all my thoughts, all my hours as well as all my days. I am offering you my shambles of a life in exchange for your life lived in and through me.

I am offering you my desire for sleep in exchange for your desire to commune with me in prayer in the late watches and early mornings. I am offering you my future to do your bidding. It does not matter what that bidding is. I do not care if your bidding leaves me in obscurity or promotes me in more prominent ministry roles I offer you me. I offer you all my writing including this one to be used to minister to people without regard of recognition or financial compensation. I offer you my service willingly and joyfully laid down at your feet as a living sacrifice day after day. I offer you my mind to meditate and think upon you and your grand truths. I offer you my feet in willingness to go wherever you chose to send me for your purposes. I offer you my bed as I pack suitcases and preach where you open doors leaving the comforts of home and my loving and supportive wife. I offer you my family to do your work no matter the personal sacrifice involved. May we ever live with our lives laid on your altar as our reasonable service of worship.

I offer you my preaching. I ask you to crucify any desire to preach anywhere else other than where you ordain me to preach no matter the size of the crowd or their ability to pay me. I offer you each Sunday and Wednesday teaching or preaching and ask you to breathe your life on each message to work your purpose not only in my life but also the lives of the hearers. I offer you my remaining years to pastor and preach where you plant me. I pray my desire will be to be and want to be only where you ordain me to serve. I offer you my remaining years to love and to shepherd the flock you entrust to me. I offer you my heart to be given away in ministry no matter how others treat it or hurt it.

I offer you my retirement and die to that possibility as I follow you. I offer you my old age years to still be available to pray, write, and preach where you allow me. The day may come when nobody calls me to preach anymore. I ask you to crucify bitterness in me if that day should come. I ask you in those days for a greater passion to pray and a greater anointing to write. I offer you every day of the rest of my life down to my last breath. In those remaining days I ask you to squeeze every drop of service and usefulness from me in your kingdom work.

I offer you my weaknesses and ask you to exchange them for your grace and strength so that others would see how great and powerful you are through this weak vessel. I offer you my hands to serve the needy, elderly, poor, forgotten, neglected, lonely, as well as the rich, powerful, and influential. I offer you my ability to love and ask you to exchange it for capacity to love without being a respecter of persons. I offer you my love and ask you to enlarge it to love like you love Jesus. I ask you to love people through me.

I offer you my all. All I am today. All I ever hope to be. All I ever will be I offer to you Jesus. I ask you  to consume me with a fresh filling of your Spirit. I ask you to take up residence in my mind and heart and drive out the enemy. I ask you to fill every crevice of my being until I am utterly and completely yours. In Jesus name I believe for this. AMEN!

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