Friday, November 22, 2013

Old Sayings but a Fresh Truth

I was at a track meet in West Texas when I saw the back of this girl's t-shirt. It read, "Monahans Track - faster than small town gossip." I thought to myself that is fast!

I also heard a preacher say that the church is the only army that shoots its own wounded. Why is this? 

The other old saying that sticks and stones can break our bones but words can never hurt us is a downright lie. Over the years cruel things people have said about me and false rumors that were started, spread, and believed without anyone coming to me for the truth have hurt more deeply in my heart than any physical injury I have ever had. I have also found my heart heals much slower than the rest of my body. 

Good news on this cold dreary day is found in Ps 34:18. "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Many years ago I learned that if you are going to love and care about people you are going to get your heart broken. I wanted to hold my heart back and guard it when the Lord took me to this verse. He gently reminded me that every time my heart gets broken he would be the one to heal it and bind it back together. Therefore, I still have the courage to love people even though at times gossip may fly faster than the Monahans track team and God's own troops may shoot me when I am down. God will always be near in those times and He will gently take my battered, wounded, and bleeding heart to do the surgery necessary to heal it.

By the way. We have a good example in this. Jesus was betrayed by his own disciples but loved anyway. Jesus was betrayed by the very people he did miracles for and before. He loved and chose to forgive anyway. Keep your heart out there and love. Yes, even those who do not deserve it.

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