Friday, November 29, 2013

Dreams and Visions

"After this I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity; then your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will have dreams and your young men will see visions." [Joel 2:28]

 We live in a day when people love the supernatural, the mystical, and who throng to have an EXPERIENCE. They want to feel something. In my younger days I too ran down that trail. Over the years my hunger for an experience was replaced with the hunger for God. Pursuit of Him became enough.

Yet, I have been open to the different ways God desires to move in my life. That included having dreams or visions. As soon as I write that I know some people will want to take statement too far and others are not willing to believe God gives either or speaks through either. Be that as it may I can only seek God for myself and write and preach the things He reveals to me.

People who have "dreams" or "visions" are considered weird, mystical, and unbalanced. I guess we would have to put Joseph from Genesis and Daniel in that category too. God gave both men dreams and both men were used of God to interpret the dreams of others.

I do not dream often and when I do they certainly do not appear to have any significance. To my knowledge I have never had a vision. Well, that is until this past week. All three times I was in prayer. All three times I had a very vivid dream, a clear vision, or three distinct mental pictures. You can classify them like you want. So clear were these God has gotten my attention through each of them. I am still praying about what they all mean if anything. In some ways all three have a similar theme. In some ways they are different. At the risk of being labeled weird and unbalanced I am going to relate all three.

1. I walk into the warehouse where we meet as a church. There is an old wood burning pot belly fire place in the room. A man whom has his back to me and whom I never see his face is putting wood in the fire place. I am preaching from the pulpit. Fire is coming from my mouth and setting the hearts of the hearers on fire. The more wood put in the fire place by the man in the back the more fire comes from my mouth. I can see the fire in people's hearts spreading like a grass fire beyond the walls of the warehouse where we meet. The dream ends.

2. I walk into an old dusty dark abandoned church building. There is nobody there with me. I walk over to a light switch to turn on the lights but they do not work. I then notice a strange sight. Behind the pulpit a tunnel of fire is coming from the ceiling to the floor behind the pulpit. Somehow I know this fire is coming straight from heaven even though I cannot see outside the church building. I walk up to the pulpit and stand in the center of the fire. Suddenly the scene changes. I am still behind the pulpit in the fire but the room is filled with brilliant light. As far as my eyes can see I see row after row of pews filled with people all shining brightly so many in number I cannot count them. The dream ends there.

3. There is a river of fire coming straight from the throne room of God to a pulpit and from the pulpit out into the aisles of what appears to once again be the warehouse where we meet as a church. While there are people in the seats I do not know any of them. Those who get into the river are immediately transformed and revived with fire in their hearts. As they walk out of the warehouse the people they come in contact are revived and their hearts are in turn set on fire as well. In this way the fire spreads. The dream ends.

These are each very vivid in my mind. I keep wondering if God is showing me something. They have been too vivid to dismiss and the fact that they have come while seeking the Lord in prayer has my attention. I was not after some experience or anything mystical in those times of prayer. I was in pursuit of God for revival which has been an ever increasing burden.

If God gives you insight and you feel lead to share it with me please contact me. I continue to pray for God to reveal His heart and mind for me.

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