Sunday, November 24, 2013


What happened to the family altar? Where did the time of family devotions go? I received a text from a friend today who told me they got snowed in from church this morning. What did they do? They put together their own family worship service. The father brought the word along with the oldest son. The daughter sang. The grandmother testified along with the mother. The youngest son prayed and took the offering. The mother talked about what a memorable time they shared together.

Tonight the Edwards family enjoyed our normal Sunday night prayer meeting at home instead of with the rest of the Faith Community family because we thought the weather would be bad. We prayed for our church, our community, for sick friends, one going in for surgery tomorrow, for other people we dearly love, for our family, revival, and for miracles. Brenda thanked God for the "sweet music" in her ears getting to hear her four boys pray out loud.

There have been times in history when fathers and mothers did not just leave it to the church to train their children in righteousness. They sat down and taught the scriptures and taught their children how to pray. They invested in their children spiritually.

In our society how can young men and young women learn how to have a devotion if mom and dad not have quiet times with the Lord? How will young men ever learn to pray if they never learn to pray by following the example of their fathers? How will daughters learn to cast their cares on the Lord if they never see their mother do it in daily life? If they never see mom and dad turning to God in the day of trouble [Ps 50:15] they probably will not do it either.

For some of you it might seem it is too late. You squandered those precious opportunities and now your children are grown. You can still teach your grandchildren. We must pass on the legacy of our faith to the next generations. We must tell them of the goodness of our God. {Ps 78:5-8] This has never been easy. It will never be easy. IT IS NECESSARY!

The family altar must be resurrected in the home. When this happen families will be revived in their faith. As a result churches will be revived and entire communities can be transformed. If you are teaching your children how to throw, catch, shoot, or kick a ball but not teaching them how to meet with God you are failing them. If you are teaching them to shop for deals, to cook, and how to clean but not how to walk in holiness before the Lord you are doing them a great disservice. IT IS TIME TO RECLAIM THE FAMILY ALTAR AND REINSTATE FAMILY DEVOTIONS!

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