Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Girl Of My Dreams (A Tribute To Brenda)

Many years ago Lord You brought to me the girl of my dreams,
We married and twenty five years we've been a ministry team,
She a brown eyed beauty who captured my eye and my heart,
Me a football brute called to preach not knowing where to start,
We dated and fumbled our way through courtship and the rest,
Since married she has made houses a home building her nest,
You, Brenda, after all these years are still the girl of my dreams,
Twenty five years have passed way too quickly for me it seems,
There is still so much life I want to share and experience with you,
As we seek and serve God together with Heaven clearly in view,
Hand in hand praying through challenges witnessing miracles galore,
Hearts united in worship and service of the same Lord we both adore,
I am thankful for the times at night you gently lay a hand on my back,
How we prayerfully battle fiercely when facing spiritual warfare attacks,
I am thankful when in the night we reach out looking to join hands,
I am blessed you said yes to wearing my last name and wedding band,
I am thankful for the memories, laughter, the pain, and even the sorrows,
With you by my side I get up to bravely face each and every tomorrow,
You are still the girl of my dreams - my best friend and true soul mate,
I thank God for that first talk at the park on our supposed study date,
I came only to study you, to know whether your was indeed truly saved,
I met a girl devoted to Jesus with face smiling and a heart wildly ablaze,
We said back them that our heart cry was that people needed the Lord,
God's grace brought to me the girl of my dreams I could never afford.

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