Wednesday, February 3, 2016

We Just Don't Care

On the same day there were two funerals. One funeral more of a graveside service than a funeral. No family or no friends in attendance. A pauper who lived as a beggar and died alone. Nobody noticed or cared.

The other funeral a big fancy ordeal. Lots of mourners gathered for this powerful and influential man. There was standing room only at the service. Many tears were shed and many stories of success were shared. Soon the mourners departed the cemetery.

That is not where the story ends. O, that is all the story that could be seen with the naked eye. Much happened invisible except in the spiritual realm. The pauper was escorted to Heaven while the rich man went to Hell.

Little is known about the beggar except that he was comforted in Heaven. We know more about the rich man. We know he suffered, he was tormented and agonized. Never-ending torture. Eternal agony. He pleaded for mercy but it was too late for mercy. He rejected mercy.

Ironically he pleaded for Lazarus to be sent to his brothers to warn them of the impending doom looming ahead for the lost and wicked. He wanted a solemn testimony about the reality of Heaven and Hell to be presented as a warning to his brothers.

Everyday people die. Funerals are conducted nearly every day. I attended two just last week for two older men. Not everyone goes to HeavenPraise the Lord those two men did because of their saving faith in Jesus Christ. Many perish into the eternal and unquenchable flames of Hell. Few do anything about it. Few Christians give words of warning or witness. 95% of Christians never witness and never lead anyone to faith in Christ. NEVER.

The question is why? Many excuses can be offered but it really comes down to one of two things. Either we do not believe the reality of Hell. I don't think that is true for most mainstream Christians. I think the second reason cuts more closely to home. WE JUST DON'T CARE! We don't care enough to risk speaking the truth. We don't care enough to risk offending people. We don't care enough that they will perish. We don't care enough to have those uncomfortable conversations. We just don't care. All over the nation many perish because the people in the pews just do not care.

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