Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Don't Be Who You Are

Many voices cry out for conformity. The message is heard loud and clear, "Don't be who you are. Don't act the way you do. Don't believe what you believe. Don't stand for what you stand for." That is the message unless all the above fall into the acceptable politically correct point of view. The elite try to  conform humanity into a mindless mass of paganism

When a person is told over and over not to be who they are or not to act like they act, confusion sets in. Such people can lose their way and not even remember who they are. When criticized incessantly and told to change this, not to be like that and to conform to this pattern it is hard to be yourself. It is hard to remember who you are. It only worsens if you are a devoted follower of Jesus. When every message received tells you being yourself is not good enough things get out of balance.

People constantly try to reinvent themselves. They pattern their lives after celebrities and the successful and popular. If people cannot be who they really are they are only copies of someone else. This is not authentic. It is fake. Our world is filled with fake people. God made people unique. He created originals. Unique in personality, passion and giftedness.

Let me be a voice proclaiming a different message. Be who God created you to be. Do what God created you to do even if it makes others uncomfortable because you do not conform. Believe what God calls you to believe even if others mock you for it. Act the way God instructs you to act even if it out of step with the rest of the crowd. Stand for what God calls you to stand for even if others have bowed down to peer pressure. Speak the truth God calls you to speak even if it offends  people. . Live the way God calls you to live even if it unpopular. Be who God called you to be and not a cheap imitation of someone else. Ephesians 2:10 (NASB) 
10  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

The only person worthy of imitating whole heartedly is Jesus Christ. Isn't that what the term "Christian" really means; little Christ or like Christ. Be who you are in Christ and don't apologize for it.

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