Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Longest Hours

Sometimes the night proves to be the longest hours,
When sleep escapes me elusively for many hours,
In those long frustrating sleep deprived dark nights,
When slumber flees out of my reach and out of sight,
Those long night hours are wearisome so very lonely,
Alone with my many thoughts and Your presence only,
In the fitful and futile late night watches You are there,
My anxious thoughts and each of my burden to bear,
When slumber eludes and my anxious thoughts invade,
When my answered prayers continue long to be delayed,
When my faith sinks back like the receding evening tide,
I know You are still here - at hand standing by my side,
These night watches bring fears, haunts, and frustration,
One little talk with You eases my mind in joyful elation,
Please help me not to dread the longest hours of no sleep,
Knowing You are also awake my soul to watch and keep.

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