Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer Camp

For the past two decades summer camp has been an integral part of my summer routine. It started as a student back in 1983. Then I became a camp sponsor in my college years before becoming a youth minister and taking students to camp. I was given teaching opportunities for the morning Bible Studies at a few camps. Eventually God allowed me the blessing of preaching many youth camps. That is what I am off to do later this morning. Tanner and Tucker are going with me as I will preach a youth camp near San Antonio later tonight.

There will be much prayer. There will be the fun and laughter with students. There will be great worship and hard preaching. I love camp.

I love getting away from the world for a few days and turning our entire focus onto God stuff without the distractions of work, school, sports, and media. I have seen many lives saved and many saved come to repentance at summer camp.

I am both humbled and honored that God allows me to continue to preach and minister to students. I am getting up there in years and closing in on forty-seven. Many think that I am past being able to minister to and to relate to students. I attribute that ability to relate to students to God. First and foremost you have to love them. When students truly know you care they let you into their lives.

For the next four days my entire focus will be on seeking God to move at this camp. That is my desire. Please pray with me for the saving of souls and for the call of the saved to repent. I ask you to pray with me for a great moving of God in the hearts of students and adults alike.

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