Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Earthenware Vessels

Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver bowls, but also those of wood and earthenware, some for special use, some for ordinary. [II Tim 2:20]

God has His special instruments. I am referring to those men and women who are used by Him on a grander scale than others. I am thinking about people like Chris Tomlin, Beth Moore, Louie Giglio, Billy Graham, Max Lucado, and Toby Mac just to name a few.

God has always had vessels of gold and silver set aside for special use. Pastors like Charles Spurgeon, Martyn Lloyd Jones, and John Piper. Missionaries like William Carey, Hudson Taylor, Jim Elliot and Lottie Moon. Evangelists like John Wesley, D.L. Moody, Billy Sunday, and Charles Finney.

Most of us are vessels of wood and earthenware set aside for ordinary use. I have come to grips that my ministry will be lived in relative obscurity. Thousands may never flock to hear Sunday morning messages and my books may never top the best selling list. That does not mean for those of us who are ordinary vessels we are not important and cannot be used by God.

In my kitchen we have nice plates and we have everyday dishes. We certainly use the everyday dishes more than than the special plates. The everyday dishes serve a purpose. Your life serves a purpose as well. You may feel ordinary. Your ministry and role may not feel like a big deal but God is using you right where you are.

For this whole week Faith Community Church has been hosting a youth revival. I stand in deep admiration for adult leaders who have spent this week loving, investing in, leading, and serving students. They have cooked meals, cleaned up, and organized team activities. These are coaches, teachers, housewives, retired adults, secretaries, barbers and fathers who may feel ordinary but who are being used of God in extraordinary ways. This week does not feel ordinary. I see how God is using these men and women to love and reach out to students from all walks of life.

It does not matter whether you are a vessel of gold and silver or an earthenware vessel. God designed you for good works. [Eph 2:10] Whether God uses you on a bigger stage or in more ordinary ways; you have purpose. Never forget that as you love on your children, volunteer in your church and community, and give your life away. God gets to determine what type of vessel we are. We submit and live out our days in meaning and God designed purpose.

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