Friday, July 5, 2013

If We Believe

If so many Christians believe in prayer why is the prayer meeting extinct or on the endangered list in most churches. If so many believe prayer is vital why do so many Christians admit to lagging behind in their personal prayer lives. If so many devoted followers of Jesus believe in the power of prayer why is the church in the United States so impotent.

Tough questions but questions that not only need to be asked but that also need to be answered. If so many churches believe in prayer where is the proof? If I were a pagan and followed most churches around for a week I would not be convinced that prayer is important. The same would be true of many church members. Many make little to no time for prayer. How can it be said of many churches or Christians that we truly believe in prayer.

Read through the book of Acts. You can hardly turn a page in that exciting book without seeing someone praying somewhere. They set the standard for relying on God and experiencing His power in the saving of souls, establishing new churches, and seeing some healed.

We have a tendency to lean on our technology, talent, and techniques. We do not lean on God through prayer near as much. Somewhere deep down I am convinced that many people in the church believe they can do life without prayer until an emergency arises. If that statement were not true people would alter their schedules and rearrange priorities skipping anything but prayer.

Prayer is work. Hard work. Soul agonizing work when really done. I've tried to hold prayer meetings in  all of the five churches I have served as pastor. They have never been well attended though I could point you to some dramatic answers to those prayers.

I have come to the conclusion that many do not really believe prayer is an effective use of time. A lot of people do not believe prayer works by their lack of commitment to exercising fervent prayer. The results tell the truth. What do you believe? Does your life and church back up that belief?

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