Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Silence

The silence is deafening in my soul and my ears,
I wonder if you listen and question if you're here,
Not a sound, a word, or thought from your throne,
Leaves me feeling confused - weary - and all alone,
Your word is alive - active like a two edged sword,
Except to my heart it is as hardened as a two by four,
The silence is piercing body mind and in my soul,
I feel on edge like one who has lost all control,
You are silent, not a whisper has come to me from you,
A song, a thought, a verse - anyway you speak would do,
I pray, linger before you with such a contrite longing heart,
Often frustrated without hearing do I rise sadly to depart,
You who can penetrate any feeling and my every thought,
Me your child forgiven saved because I've been blood bought,
You so wise - understanding - so Sovereign and so kind,
Me tormented in the deepest caverns of my tempest mind,
You loving - always present - a very present help at all times,
Even when I'm troubled and your will I can't discern or find,
Lord, I plead for you open your word and mouth to speak,
There is nothing more important I crave - desire or seek,
 I sit here humbled and bowed a heart crying for a word,
Something fresh from your heart - pages I have turned,
In your Bible, your sacred - inerrant and holy book,
Once again I trust you speak as I take another look,
Please break the silence - speak a message intended for me,
Something for the hour, please open my eyes help me see,
You often dwell in the silence - drawing me ever closer to you,
For in the silence I often get a closer more intimate view.

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