Thursday, December 14, 2017

God Said

True believers do not dispute the power of God. I am not sure we truly understand the depth of that power. How can we fathom His omnipotence? It is beyond comprehension. 

Take for instance Genesis chapter one. Over and over we have the creation account with the phrase and "God said." With those words we see the creation of land, sea. animals, man, and woman. Mountains. Rivers. Valleys. Trees. Plants. Flowers.  Sun. Moon. Stars. All of it created from nothing but a spoken word and the imagination of God. 

A spoken word by God is more powerful than any other force in the universe. With spoken words Jesus healed various diseases with no effort at all. He did not have to conjure up something. He did not even have to lay hands on people. He could just speak the words of healing and His power manifested itself in the needy person. 

In all our lives He can speak anything. He can do anything. He can still heal. He can move mountains. Plant fresh vision in people's hearts. He can move people and nations to repentance. He can save the masses with spoken words. He can lift burdens, create peace, restore broken relationships, and revive things. With just a spoken word. 

That kind of power is mind boggling. The God who created the universe just by speaking it into existence is powerful enough to handle what concerns you today. You may be weary of asking and waiting. I encourage you not to lose heart. Give Him time. Not your time but His perfect time. You have no idea what He is capable of doing. Let's wait on Him and see what He speaks into existence next. 

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