Wednesday, September 20, 2017

One Step And One Prayer Closer

I learn a lot of lessons while I am out on my walks. I see things. I pray about a lot of things. I meditate. All of this while getting a little exercise. I even meet a few people along the way.

Yesterday I set an aggressive goal. The temperature hovered in the high nineties. About half way through the walk my back began to cramp from all the sweating. I paused for a break mainly to relieve the cramping in my back. After a few minutes I made my way back home. It did not take long for the cramping to return. In addition the hot pavement began burning the soles of my feet adding more discomfort.

Somewhere on that return walk to the house the thoughts occurred to me, "I am one step closer to home. With each step I am one step closer. Just like wth the steps every time I pray I am one step closer to a breakthrough. I am also one day closer to eternity."

One step at a time I trudged on. Up hills. Past yelping dogs. Around corners. Through the heat. At times against the stiff breeze. Several times I stopped briefly to stretch my back before resuming. One step at a time I made it all the way. One mile faded behind me and then the next. Eventually I made it home.

I grabbed and chugged two bottles of cold water and sank into an old chair. The pressure from my back relieved immediately. The burning in my feet subsided when I removed my shoes.

I thought back to my walk. I thought about the discomfort in my back and feet. I also thought about how with each step I got closer and closer to home. I knew when I got home I could drink water and find relief. That seems like a metaphor for the spiritual life.

There are so many enduring difficulties in life. You pray and pray and when you can't even manage words you pray with groans. Every prayer you offer is one prayer closer to the long awaited breakthrough. One day God will intervene. The mountain will move. The breakthrough will come. The long delayed answer will arrive. The fog of confusion will lift. The closed door will open. The provision will come. Don't give up. You are one prayer closer to the breakthrough.

When I finished walking it also dawned on me just like every step brought me closer to home, every day brings us closer to eternity. For the redeemed that means heaven. I cannot even fathom the relief, comfort, refreshing, and reviving that will awaits us in heaven. One moment there will make all the trials and difficulties fade because we made it home.

I realized after my walk yesterday I got severely dehydrated. My back cramped well into the evening hours. Yet I was finally home. I drank plenty of liquids. I enjoyed a good meal with Brenda and the boys. I retired to bed pretty early in the middle of a severe thunderstorm. Yet I had refuge from the storm in my home.

None of this can compare in the least to when we finally get to our eternal home if it is heaven. I look forward to that day. I have only read about it but I fully agree with Paul;
Philippians 1:21 (ESV)
21  For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 

I know life can be challenging. I know it can be downright uncomfortable. Maybe it so hard for you there are questions if you will endure to the finish line. You are one step closer. You are one prayer closer. You are one day closer. Press on brothers and sisters.
2 Corinthians 4:16-17 (ESV) 
16  So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.
17  For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,

Keep pressing one foot in front of the other. Keep praying and keep believing. Keep loving, trusting, and serving Jesus. One day we will all get home. We are closer now than we have ever been.  

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