Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Ministry For Today

I have done all kinds of ministry over the years. I have preached and taught. I have prayed. I have visited people in hospitals. I have officiated weddings and preached funerals. I have taken mission trips. I have set in more meetings than I count. I have conducted counseling sessions. I've witnessed for Jesus. I have written books and blogs.

Since stepping down as pastor from Faith Community Church I have looked at each day as a ministry adventure. I never know what any day will bring.  have traveled to several churches to preach. I have written numerous blogs. I have counseled with people on the phone. I take each day as it comes.

Today I had a whole different kind of ministry. I had just finished a five and a half mile walk. I looked forward to lunch. Tired and hungry I wanted to get off my feet. When I got to my driveway I noticed my neighbor across the street weed eating his oversized two lots.

We talked briefly before I headed inside. I had no more than walked through the door into our kitchen when I knew my ministry for today meant weed eating his yard. Gary is in his mid seventies. He had no business out trying to weed eat the easement to his property which the city should weed eat but never does. Some weeds had grown over two feet tall.

I turned around and caught him. I told him I would take care of the job. He must have been tired because he did not put up any resistance. I ate a quick lunch and went to work. Hot ,sweaty, hard, but rewarding work.

He brought me a bottle of cold water after about forty five minutes and told me I should quit. He said he could get the rest of it. I would not hear of it. I felt called to finish it.

In the larger scope of things my ministry for the day did not make that big a difference. Nobody got saved. Revival did not break out. I did get the chance to serve. Jesus served people. He humbled Himself to wash feet. I am not above running a weed eater when called to do so. All I did was help my elderly neighbor. I had the time and strength to do so. Most of all I think it is what Jesus would have done.

Ministry is adventure. We never know what opportunities will come our way. Ministry on any given day will offer people the chance to love, serve, sacrifice, labor, give, and to do good works for the glory of God. That is the point. When people see our good works we want them to glorify God and point to God.

Matthew 5:16 (ESV)
16  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

I hope you will look for your ministry for today and the following days. I trust God will show us how to serve Him and serve others. May His Kingdom expand and may His name be glorified.

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