Saturday, June 14, 2014

Trusting During The Daily Grind

Some people have an easier time of life than others. They enjoy all their days in good health and die in their sleep. They have ample money to do what they want. They enjoy moderate success. Life is good. They have their desires.

On the other than their are those who grind for everything. A couple recently shared at church about a time when they were without money. One night all they had in the house to feed their two boys was popcorn. They prayed and God blessed their business the next day with the most lucrative business deal they have made. They had to grind trusting God before the great blessing came.

These men and women do what they have to do to make it. They pray. They work. They sacrifice. They trust God. They grind day in and day out. Life is not necessarily easy but these people do find God faithful. [I Thess 5:24]. They trust God during the daily grind. They trust for endurance to persevere through hard days of labor. They trust God for wisdom when having to make difficult decisions. They trust God for provision when funds run low.I have known both seasons of life. I have lived in seasons of ministry where we were blessed, honored, compensated generously, and served in prestigious positions. I have also seen lean times in ministry when church attendance resembled a Bible Study more than a congregation. I have known what it is like to grind, to work hard to help make ends meet. The truth is God is the same in both seasons of life. He is faithful in both seasons of life. He is good in both seasons of life.

This morning we were on the road by 7:00 a.m. to get started mowing. We spent six hours; me mowing and the bows weed eating. It is hard labor. God continues to give us business by word of mouth. We got a new yard today. We have not advertised. We work hard and try to do a good job for people. One person tells another person who tells someone else. Just this summer we have gotten fiver yards this way. God keeps sending us business. There are many days I feel like a full time business owner and operator and a part time pastor. This is part of the grind now. I recall days when the grind required countless hospital visits, counseling appointments, and preaching funerals and weddings. God is faithful in all seasons.

I don't know what season of life you are in. I don't what kind of grinding you are doing to make ends meet. You do have a choice. Trust God in the grinding.

Today the boys and I saw the faithfulness of God at work. Their was a cool breeze and cloud cover all day while we worked. Things went very smoothly. God added to our business. It was hard work but still an enjoyable day. Don't get me wrong. When God is ready for me to give this season of life up I am ready. I am not called to be a business man but to pastor, preach, and write. If this is what I have to do for now then I trust God in the grind. Day in and day out He sustains us lifting our burdens [Ps 55:22] in the daily grind.

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