Friday, June 6, 2014

A Tribute To Taylor

It hard to believe how time has flown. When Taylor was born eighteen years ago people repeatedly told me that time would pass faster than I could imagine. I took that advice to heart and made time with him and his brothers a high priority in my life. Tonight Taylor graduates from Paradise High School.

I could have worked more. I could have prayed longer, made more visits, had more meetings, studied longer, and wrote more books. In the end I chose to leave the office earlier and spend more time with my boys. When Taylor asked me to bring him lunch I often rearranged my schedule to make it happen, even if it meant traveling nearly 30 miles round trip because that is the food he wanted. I still do it when asked to this day.

I still remember holding him for the first time. My heart melted in love when I held that precious gift from God in my arms. The love has only grown over the past two decades. My quiver is indeed full because God has given me not one but four sons.

I used to pull Taylor around in a wagon when he was a tyke around the parsonage and the church we served. We spent hours throwing a baseball, football, and playing games of basketball. I don't ever remember a time when he did not love sports. He cried one time when I told him he needed to eliminate a sport. When I asked why he cried he responded he loved all the sports and could not choose to quit playing any of them.

Over the years God added other brothers. My love for Taylor never lessened while it grew for Tanner, Tucker, and Turner. We began a couple of traditions when they were young. From time to time I would take one of the boys and have what we called special time with them. I typically took them out to eat to a place where they chose and we enjoyed quality time. Sometimes that meant taking them to a camp where I would be preaching. Taylor trusted Christ for salvation the morning after the last day of one of those camps.

A second tradition we began was what we call our "Summer Edwards Camp". Every summer for the past ten years we work out during the summer months. In the beginning that meant mainly running a little, playing baseball, or basketball. As they got older the workouts incorporated strength training and agility work along with running. Over the years many have worked out with us for awhile but few have stayed with us. The workouts were too tough. It is a tradition we love. I love it mainly because I get to spend time with them.

No matter how hard we worked Taylor ate it up and wanted more. He developed a relentless work ethic. It has paid off over the years allowing him to enjoy success on the field. He dreamed of becoming a running back and that happened his last three years in high school. He dreamed of playing in college and will do so in the fall at Howard Payne University. He dreamed of going to the state meet for powerlifting and he did. He was not the best there but he told me later he was happy just to have qualified to make the meet.

I have watched Taylor set goals and work toward achieving those goals. He is extremely disciplined and driven. This has served him well in the classroom, when he works mowing yards, and on the field. He is strong. Much stronger than I was at his age.

I am most proud that he still loves Jesus. He was asked to pray at graduation tonight. What an honor. He has stuck to his guns. Others have fallen away from the Lord over the years and Taylor has fought his own battles. I am proud he still loves God. When seeking a career choice he prayed over it and felt God calling him to teach history and coach. He prayed and sought the Lord for where to go to college and play football. He turned down a scholarship for a college  to play football in Kansas because he felt God wanted him to attend Howard Payne University. Seeing the peace in his life has given Brenda and I great peace.

I got to enjoy some special time with Taylor this week. He exempted his finals and we got to enjoy a day together. We ate breakfast. We went shopping man style (in and out of two stores in under ten minutes combined.) Later in the day we worked out together. We talked about how when he was younger and I would crawl in the floor he would get down with me and spread my arms open so he could lay in them. We chuckled that he is too big to do that anymore. When I still get in the floor it does not take long for each of them to drift down near me. That is the photo I have on my phone.

Tonight Taylor graduates from high school. I am not sad. I am proud of the man he has become. I know the full weight of his growing up will come the day I drop him off at college. Tears will surely come. I think one reason I am not so sad is I have tried my hardest to make the best of the time I have had with Taylor and his brothers. The only two higher priorities in my life are my relationship with God and my relationship with their mother.

Taylor is no longer a boy. He is a man. He has bigger goals and dreams. I cheer him on in seeing them come true. I celebrate the growth and maturity in my son and thank God for the gift of being chosen as his dad. I love you champ and could not be prouder of the man God is making you.

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