Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tissue Paper Resistance

Tissue paper has a purpose but will never do when we need something to hold firm. Tissues are paper thin and easily broken through. This might describe the kind of resistance the church at large is giving Satan. For the most part Satan is having his way as he carries out his wicked schemes.

What once shocked the church has been accepted as the new normal. Gay marriage. Living together outside of marriage. Profane language. Every vile form of sexual immorality. Greed. The list could go on.

Three times Paul exhorts the Ephesian church to stand firm in chapter six. This means to resist and withstand the opposition of the enemy. Where is the withstanding among local congregations. Where is the opposition that Christians consistently give to fight the Devil in God's strength? Much of our resistance is tissue paper thin.

The church in Acts was triumphant. The church of today offers tissue paper resistance to demonic forces. It takes more than another program. It takes what it has always taken. Courage to share the gospel. Faith and resolve to pray. Standing on the truth of scripture to combat our enemy.

While the enemy relentlessly releases flaming missiles like archers releasing arrows in a war to carry out his wicked schemes, the church sleeps like Jonah in the boat while the storm raged around him. We seem unconcerned that mass shootings are nearly a monthly occurrence now. We hardly lift an eyebrow while another homosexual character is introduced on a sitcom. Truth is now considered relative and not God centered or Bible solid.

America is losing her morale moorings and in the past when nations have strayed from God there were huge consequences to pay. When the church quits being light in the darkness and salt in society troublesome times lie ahead.

I think of the resolve and resistance of people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. in the civil rights movement. There came a time when they dug their heals in and with resolve decided they would stand firm. They offered more resistance than tissue paper. They paid a price. Yet history records and applauds their resolve and resistance.

How long will parents cave into peer pressure instead of standing firm. How long will pastors preach to tickle the ears and draw a crowd rather than to prophetically declare, "This says the Lord!" How long will we judge church success by counting nickels and noses while the enemy pillages and plunders the land right in front us without fear of our retaliation and resistance.

It is time for us to offer more than tissue paper resistance. I am calling all pastors and church leaders to lead a movement in your churches for a continuous twenty-four hour prayer to take place among your people. Start a sign up sheet in fifteen minute increments. Set a goal to have someone in your church and community praying 24 hours a day and 365 days a year to resist Satan and his schemes. They can pray in their own homes or work or school when their schedule allows it. This would do more than offer tissue paper resistance. That is what this country needs.

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