Wednesday, June 18, 2014


My heart rejoiced when I got a message from a friend in West Texas informing me that it rained yesterday. I've prayed with them for some time believing God for rain. Rain never meant so much to me as when we lived in West Texas where it doesn't rain much.

I grew up in East Texas where the rains were plentiful. During my high school years I remember in the month of June it rained for two dozen days straight. The rains did not come all day every day but at least one time a day for close to a month we had rain of some sort. I took rain and water for granted. Truth is at times I resented the rain. Ball games were canceled because of rain. Rain made life inconvenient going from the car to school. I once got caught driving my jeep with the top off when it started pouring raining.

In West Texas rain is not something to take for granted. The drought has taken a toll. Some towns are running out of water. The underground water is running so low some towns are nearly out of water completely. The farmers do not have enough water to irrigate their crops. Many are forced to farm dry land depending completely on the rain to nourish the land.

The drought has lasted so long one farmer told me once that he was so used to living without rain there were times when he even forgot to ask God for it. I have seen plenty of prayer meetings for rain.

Our nation and state live in gross immorality. I often wonder if that has any bearing on why we are in such a drought. We live near a lake that is over twenty five feet down. Boat houses are completely dry with boats suspended in the air and the water as far as 400 yards are more from the boat houses. The drought has impacted the whole state.

Droughts come to an end eventually. History has proven this out. When my friend sent me a video message telling me to listen to the sound of falling rain I rejoiced. I am not saying one rain will put an end to the drought but at least they have hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

I have lived in a spiritual drought for the better part of two years. Watching that video seeing and hearing the rain gave me hope. It reminded me of Luke 18:1. Now He was telling them a parable to show them at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart. How many hundreds and maybe millions of prayers were lifted up, especially in West Texas, for rain without one drop of rain falling. It is easy to lose heart. It is easy to lose hope.

The rains came yesterday. A good soaking rain. The prayers were answered in time. The drought is not over but there is hope.

In the same way for every person going through a spiritual drought the dry season will come to an end. God will usher in days of revival again. He will open hearts and minds to see truth and hear His voice. He will renew souls with the fire of His presence. He will send the spiritual rain to nourish our parched souls eventually. Spiritual drought will come to an end just like the drought impacting the land.

I believe the day will come when the drought ravaging our land will come to an end. I personally believe the faster God's people are repentant the faster the drought will end. When God's people get right with Him, quit living lukewarm lives, and embrace holiness while rejecting hypocrisy the rains will come again according to rich mercy of God.

I also believe that the day of spiritual drought will come to an end also. The word will come alive, Our souls will be awakened and revived. The challenge is to keep praying and not lose heart while we are forced to wait. By faith we must believe the drought will come to an end no matter what form the drought takes.

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