Wednesday, June 25, 2014

He Holds The Future

As we wake up today none of us really knows what this day will hold. We have our plans. Some will get up soon to go to work. That might mean another day  at the office, another day on the construction site, another day in the courtroom, or at the hospital. There are plans for after work to entrain friends or to watch the kids play some sport.

Truth is none of us can know what this day holds. We may have plans but any number of things could change those plans. One of the kids could get sick requiring a visit to the doctor. Our vehicles could malfunction necessitating alternative transportation and a trip to a mechanic. We could catch a virus making us sick and too weak to complete a day of work.

There are so many variables every single day. Like I have already said none us really knows what a day holds. The redeemed may not know what a day holds but we know who holds the day in the palm of His hand. God knows the future. He knows every single day of our future. Your eyes have seen my unformed substance and in Your book they were all written the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them. [Ps 139:16]

God saw the day of our conception. He was there fashioning us in the womb. He held the day and us when we took our first breath on planet Earth the day we were born. He was there when we first rolled over, learned to crawl, held the bottle for ourselves, and took our first steps. God held the day when we fell and skinned our knees. He was there when we first rode our bikes without training wheels. He was there on our first day of school. He was there when played our first little league game. He was also there at the scout meeting and when we caught our first fish.

He was there when we got our driver's license and took our maiden voyage on our own. He was there when we walked across the stage to graduate. He was there when we fell in love. He was there on the day of our proposal and saying yes. He was there when we stood before the preacher or the judge and promised, "I do." He was there when we had our first child, bought our first house. He was there when we got our dream job. He was there through the mundane days as well as the highlight days and the valleys of sorrows.

God was there when we watched our ailing parents slip from this life into eternity. He was there on the day of the funeral and through heart wrenching days and nights of grief.

He is here for those of us entering our middle adult years. He is already there for those who living out the twilight years of life. He is there as strength fails and as health deteriorates. He was there when joints needed replaced and ligaments needed repaired. He was there when the heart needed surgical work. He was there when the doctor gave that dreaded diagnosis of cancer and the subsequent treatment. He was there when the spouse died before you were ready to let them go.

None of us knows what this day holds. None of us knows the future. Just as certain as there will be a best day or days in our lives there will also be a worst day or days as well. God will be there in both seasons.

As He was there when our lives began He will also be there when our lives come to an end. He knows every single day from the first to the last and all in between. He has recorded those days in His book. He not only knows what will happen today but also tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and even beyond the next decade. These days have been ordained.

I do not know the future anymore than you do. I cannot see what will happen as the sun sneaks over the horizon peaking through the trees. I cannot predict what will happen around the world or around my house. Accidents happen. Tragedies occur. Storms arise. Trials abound. Triumphs come. Victories are won. Successes are enjoyed. Promotions come our way. God knows every single moment of every day and holds each one in His hand. He holds our future.

That is a comforting truth. We do not have to wring our hands in worry about what might or might not happen. God knows. He holds the day and He holds those who have trusted Him for salvation. We do not have to live this day in anxiety or fear. We can wake up today with the confidence and peace that no matter what we have to face we do not face it alone. No matter how uncertain the future looks we can awake to the assurance that God will be refuge for us, strength and a present help in times of trouble.  He alone holds the future and that brings great peace in a troubled world like ours.

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