Friday, March 21, 2014

Little Turtle

I was driving down the highway today lost in my thoughts when suddenly I noticed a little turtle crossing the road. I did not have time to dodge him as the front tire ran over him. I could feel the slight bump beneath me.

I thought for some time about that little turtle. I thought about all the effort it took for him to climb up the incline on the side of the highway to even reach the pavement. Something enticed that turtle to brave grave danger. He had made it over half way across when I accidentally ended his life. Did he not know the dangers of trying to cross a very busy highway. Something lured him, compelled him, drove him to try to make it across. Step by step and inch by inch he nearly made it. Then without warning his life came to an end.

My thoughts immediately turned to how the same thing happens to people all the time. They get a notion in their mind about something. Their dream may not even be sinful in and of itself. Other choice are clearly sinful. It might be dangerous. Somewhere people determine the risk is worth the reward. The pregnant mother still chooses to drink or do drugs impacting the child in the womb and once the child is born. The teen drives way too fast and loses control ending their lives as well as some friends. The drug addict seeks the high one too many times overdosing and waking up in eternity. The homosexual embraces a life of immorality and gets aids. The list could go on and on.

Each of us lives on borrowed time. Our days are numbered. God has ordained each one of them. The turtle never thought the adventure of crossing the highway would end his life or he would have stayed on the other side. Daily death unexpectedly snatches people who are unprepared to face God in eternity. They have cheated death before but one day the death bell will toll for all of us. Some sooner than others. Tragically death will come unexpected and unwelcome to many.

Jesus Christ is the only way into Heaven. Contrary to what experts say there is no other way. Anyone who does not repent of sin, humbly cry out to Jesus to forgive their sins and believe Him for salvation is doomed to eternal punishment. No matter what the pundits push as politically correct the truth is set by God and will not change. [Jn 14:6] Jesus is the only way. Heaven is real. So is Hell. More people populate Hell than Heaven. [Matt 7:13-14]

When I look back over my life I am amazed at how God protected me. I should have died driving way too fast as a teenager. I could have wrecked jumping a bridge in my grandfather's truck on a dare by some friends. I should have broken my neck jumping off cliffs into the water below in high school. I should have been seriously injured in all the fights I had. I could have easily broken my neck playing football. God graciously spared me.

The greatest night of my life was back on a Thursday night in October of 1983. I met Jesus that night. He has spared, shaped, guided, and used my life to this day. I could have just as easily ended up like the little turtle and so could of you. Praise God for His new mercies and His enduring faithfulness every single day.

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