Sunday, March 9, 2014

I Do Not Want To Sing A Lie

This morning in our worship service Austin led us in a simple song with these words, "There is no place I would rather be (repeated) than here in your love. I want more of You God. I want more of You  God." As we sang those words I began to question if those statements were true of me. Could I really sing this morning that there was no place I would rather be in that moment than standing in worship in that place of worship.

Time sprang forward last night. It took a little longer to get out of bed this morning though I slept soundly through the night. Austin even commented about the time change and how hard it was to get up this morning. I spent the majority of  yesterday at a powerlifting meet with Taylor and Tanner. The bed looked appealing. Could I really sing there is no place I would rather have been right then than in worship of God among the small congregation of Faith Community Church?

Could I really sing that I want more of God? We all want more money, more time, more sleep, but how many really want more of God? How many can honestly sing that today?

It breaks my heart how many times lies are sung in the house of God without any thought of the offense they bring God.

How about the song, "Wherever You Lead I'll Go." People sing that all the time but do they mean it? I don't just want to sing familiar songs. I want to mean what I sing. Am I willing to follow God's leadership wherever He leads me without thought of personal sacrifice? What about the line, "The world behind me and the cross before me." Do I mean that?

Many people love the old hymn "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus." Do people really mean it when they sing words like "Though none go with me I still will follow. No turning back - no turning back." Can we sing those words truthfully?

What about new songs like "Knowing You Jesus - there is no greater thing." Really? It appears the church has found many greater things than Jesus by priorities. There is also the song, "I will trust You in the darkness, I will trust You in life's harshness. I will trust You and keep singing, I will trust You dearly clinging, I will trust You and keep bringing You my heart." Do we really trust in the difficult times. Does the church really believe, "God's not dead He's surely alive He's living on the inside roaring like a lion." Roaring lions get noticed. A God who is alive in us gets noticed as well. He demands our love and loyalty. God, who is alive, watches and listens to worship. He hears what we sing. He watches how we respond. He looks on our minds and hearts. He also knows when our worship does not match the songs we are singing.

Is it a lie when the church sings "Blessed Be The Name of the Lord" or "I'll stand arms high and heart abandoned in awe of the One who gave it all. I'll stand my soul to You surrendered all I am is Yours." We have to mean what we sing. This last song has come to mean more to me over the past couple of years than any other song. I first heard it at a youth camp. The words captured my heart and the essence of how I want to live my life.

Arms high exalting God. Heart abandoned in a love relationship and in relentless passionate worship. In awe of a perfect Savior sacrificing all for our salvation. I'll stand my soul surrendered. I do not call the shots for my life. I surrender to His Lordship and wise leadership. ALL I AM IS YOURS. Down to the last drop I want God to have every single ounce of me. I want to be poured out to Him holding nothing back. No reservations. No hesitations.

This is not an easy song to sing and to mean. I want to mean it every time. I do not want to sing lies to my God nor do I want others in worship to sing lies either.  Is the merciful kindness of God in extending pardon through Jesus Christ really "Amazing Grace." Will everyone be present and accounted for who sings "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder." Will all who clap their hands to the
 up tempo beat truly be able to say, "I'll Fly Away."

While churches have warred over what songs should be sung in worship I wonder why is their no outcry to quit singing lies. Would it not be more honoring to God if nobody sang a song, a line, a chorus, or phrase they did not mean. You might argue there would be fewer and fewer people singing and I would say you are right. I would argue, on the other hand, would there not be more authentic, God exalting, and God pleasing worship.

I do not want to sing a lie at church or anywhere else. I have on many occasions. My lips sang the words while my heart and mind were engaged somewhere else. O God I pray this changes in me. I pray it would change in all your people. Please help us to sing the truth. Let's quit singing lies.

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