Thursday, January 10, 2013

Remember What the Lord Has Done

While reading my Bible this morning I read [Ps 143:5] I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your doings; I muse on the work of Your hands. 

I did a little mental rewind and retraced some of the steps of my life since I met Christ. I went through the whole process of how I ended up at Howard Payne University I thought to play football but God brought me there to study for the ministry and to meet my wife. I relived how the Lord used those days of education in my life.

I thought back on the past churches where I have served as a youth minister and a pastor. Over and over we watched God save the lost and work in our midst. The doings of God are too numerous to recount. I thought back all the way up to the present day and can say with certainty I have seen God work through my life and ministry.

I gathered the boys this morning and we recounted some of the ways God has worked in our family. Taylor gave God thanks for his truck and the success he has had as an athlete. Tanner thanked God for the season he had in football and our home in Seminole. Turner gave God thanks that he and his friend Pacer got to be in the same class again this year.

I enjoyed those moments with the boys. As I prayed this morning I felt satisfied. Satisfied in God. Don't get me wrong. I am staring at several major problems but those no longer mattered. I know God has worked in the past and I confidently believe He will work again in the present. I felt satisfied like you do after finishing a great meal. In those moments nothing else mattered. I could say with [Ps 16:11] there is joy in the presence of the Lord.

Litte did I know I would literally stumble across His work again this morning as I opened my office door. I found an envelope on the floor with my name on it. I opened it and found a letter with some cash. Let me quote the anonymous letter.

Dear Matt, 

You have made a major impact in my life. I'm closer to God now more than ever. I used to dread going to church, it was a chore more than anything. Now, I look forward to Sundays, I hate missing it now. I'm involved too, I go to camps and other stuff the church does. My main point Matt, is that you have changed my life so much and I feel God is calling out to me. So in this envelope there should be $120, use it for anything. I just keep getting a feeling that I need to give this to you. I've been a Christian since I was little but you made it mean something. You answered my prayers when you came back. Thank you so much. 

From: a changed teen

Wow. I know I did some change that student's life. God did that. God worked in that heart.  I am humbled that God uses me. I am even more humbled that God moved on a teenager to give me money. I am not worthy. What a gift of encouragement.

Several times this week God has used someone to encourage me in my ministry here. I am not alone. I serve a God who is aware of my every thought, attitude, act of service, and sacrifice. None of it escapes His notice. He has always been at work and in a very powerful way He once again reminded me that He is at work here. Here in Paradise, TX in the little congregation known as Faith Community Church. Praise His name.

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