Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lord, Do it Again

I am reading an interesting book on the revival of 1858. God moved across the nation and gave people a spirit of prayer. Prayer meetings sprang up all over the place. One pastor commented that those prayers meetings ushered the people to an open gate to Heaven.

Thousands and thousands were saved. One church reported six hundred people responding to Christ for salvation in less than six months. Other churches saw hundreds saved where they ministered. This same story repeated itself across the nation and into churches of all denominations.

I wrote in the margin of the book a simple prayer to the Lord. I asked Him, "To do it again." On two levels I want to see God do it again. I want to see a day where people feel called and compelled to pray. The prayer meeting remains the least attended service if they are held at all in most churches. I also want to see the days when spiritual awakening comes again to the United States and spreads across the globe.

We have reserved Sunday nights for prayer meetings at Faith Community. This past Sunday we only had five adults and few students and children gather for prayer. People cannot be guilted into praying. Only God can truly move in the hearts of people to WANT to pray. That would be a sure sign of revival when numbers of people began to get the supernatural desire to want to pray for lost, the nation, and revival again.

If and when that happens the floodgates of evangelism will be opened. The masses will turn to Christ for salvation in mass. Hundreds of thousands will be saved. The entire morale climate of the community and country will be changed. Impossible you say. I cry out, "Lord, do it again!"

Lord, I ask you for an open gate into Heaven for new power to preach and share the gospel. I pray for the power of the gospel and power of your Holy Spirit to draw people to repentance and salvation by the masses. I also pray you would stir up a desire in Christians everywhere to pray. You have done it before. I ask you to do it again in this day and time. Not just one or two here or there. I ask you to fill up your church with prayer warriors. We need an army of prayer warriors assembled to fight the good fight. We need you to open the gate of Heaven to turn the heart of this nation back to you. You did it in the past and we ask you to do it again in this day Lord.

I ask you to open the gates of Heaven once again that our prayers may reach your ears and your power be poured out on our churches and communities. Nothing but a true spiritual awakening will spare this nation from the impending doom hanging around our necks. Please lead us to repentance and let the rivers of revival flow once again.

In Jesus' name,  amen.

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