Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Finding Refuge

It has been raining a lot. It rained steadily all day yesterday, all night, and is supposed to rain all day today tapering off something late this afternoon. We rejoice for such a gentle soaking rain and pray others get it as well.

Yesterday I got busy at the office and never even thought about Tucker or Turner walking home in the rain until I headed home too late to pick them up. We live only a short distance from their school, literally across the street from Turner's school. I knew they would still get wet but I left the office too late to get them.

One teacher, bless her heart, gave them an umbrella for refuge on the walk home. They found shelter from the rain under that umbrella. This morning I meditated on the truth that God is our refuge. As I sat in my chair thinking and praying, I thought about how our home provided refuge or shelter from the rain all night. I slept in a dry bed and sat down in a dry chair this morning. God is like that. He is the place we are to turn to find shelter in the storms of life. Sometimes we see the storms coming. This heavy rain had been forecasted for a week and we all knew to be prepared for it. There are other times when the storms come unexpectedly like a tornado wreaking havoc on our lives.

In both instances God is still our refuge. He is the first place we should turn to for protection. As I sat down with the boys this morning to discuss God being our refuge Turner thought of all the parents in Newtown, CT who lost their children. He knew that God would always be there for those parents where they can find shelter. God has been and will continue to be a refuge for those who turn to Him.

Turner also had a bad dream last night. He could not remember the details of the dream but he could remember he was scared. I found him on the love seat this morning. When he told me about the bad dream I called him to sit in my lap and I held and rocked him for fifteen minutes praying over him, hugging him, kissing him, and thanking God for him. I wanted him to feel protected and safe. That is what God does for His children. He pulls us up into His lap and comforts us in the nightmares of life.

Growing up I remember my grandmother often commenting to me when I chose to play in the rain, "That boy does not have sense enough to come out of the rain." Sometimes we choose to stay in the storm and in harms way rather than to pull away to find refuge in God. I need God's refuge. I have no other hope. I need shelter, protection and comfort on this day. I choose to seek safety under the shelter of His wing. [Ps 91:1, 4]

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