Thursday, January 13, 2011

Honduras Journal part 6

1-4-11 – 9:26 a.m. I’ve learned a great deal this morning about the work here. Steve told us how political things have become with the I.M.B. At times it has seemed the International Mission Board leaders in this region have worked against the Collins and their labors here. Billy and Mary Collins served the Chorti people as missionaries for the past seven years. Recently they retired due to medical issues with Billy. At some point they hope to come back here and work as independent missionaries because the I.M.B. does not plan on replacing them here.

Personnel from the I.M.B. do not fully understand the scope of the work the Collins have begun or the need for more to be done. How often do your people mess up your kingdom work when we put our hands on it God? I pray you would fight against political motivation and selfish ambition in the hearts of the people who come to serve here.

Lord, I pray you would move here. You know the truth and you know the need. If anyone is harming your kingdom or standing in the way of the gospel advancing I ask you to move them to the side so your work can continue. I ask you to move to turn this situation around. There is no full time missionary on the field. Those Hondurans whom we are meeting with are still young and immature in their faith and leadership. I ask you to keep your work going among the Chorti people. They are mostly a forgotten and neglected people but not by you. You love them and died for them. I am not here for the glory of my name for any other purpose than the fact you called me to come here. I ask you to move deep in my heart to give your burden for this work. I ask you to show me your heart for the Chorti people.

Lord, I do not know why you have pulled me into this work. I do not know why you called me to raise money to build your hospital here. I do not know how you will get it done. You will have to do it. You will have to get the work done. You will have to raise all the money. I ask you for favor with people who have the resources. I ask for your favor with the doctors and other people who will be involved in this project.

How could it be that there is no x-ray machine in this town? How can it be that there is not a hospital in this town and the closest is hours away? How can we be so blessed with so much back home but there be so little here? I know you want to build more than hospitals and houses in this land. You will to build disciples. I also know at the same time, you use the meeting of physical needs to open doors to meet spiritual needs. May that be the case with this hospital.

In this land of spiritual darkness, you are the only hope for this people. You are the only hope for people who live in poverty but also for those have been blinded by tradition and myths. I come asking you to speak to me about my role here. I ask you to speak to me about not only where you are calling me to help but I also ask for the wisdom to know how to get this done. You are my trust. You are my confidence. You are my counselor.

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