Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It Has Been A While

It has been some time since I have served in a bi-vocational position. I have not blogged in a while because I spent a total of one hour in the office last week. The rest of the week I mowed missing my boys' help as they went back to school. The recent rains in Paradise have the grass growing at a rapid rate. This has me out of the office and on the mower.

Many preachers seek to avoid work especially hard manual work. Working helps me to relate to our congregation. Most of people have to work hard to make ends meet. Many know the value of sweat physically and know what an honest day of work feels like. I do not fear sweating and hard labor. I thank God for the opportunity to provide a service and yet I still get to be my own boss.

Every drop of sweat through my shirt, pants, and gloves I see as tangible proof to God that I love Him and am willing to follow Him in the pursuit of planting Faith Community Church no matter how hard the job turns out. I am thankful for equipment God has provided and for the time I enjoyed with the boys this summer working. We are not getting rich. In fact, most of the time I barely made enough to pay for the equipment after paying the boys. I enjoyed watching them learn the value of a dollar. I paid them well and when they had to spend their own money they did not like it. In fact, Tanner put all his money in savings on the last pay day and seldom brings his wallet so he will not be tempted to spend his money.

I miss getting to spend my days totally in prayer, study, writing, along with other pastoral responsibilities. I know as surely as the mowing season will come to an end my time working at two jobs will come to an end. I do not want to be a burden to Faith Community Church or to our other supporters. I will work as God gives me opportunity. I am not a pampered pastor who has to have perks and special favors to serve God. If planting this church requires me to mow for the rest of my life then I will work. The dream is greater than me or whatever price it takes to make the dream come true.

In Seminole I actually wore a tie to the office most times. I enjoyed dressing professionally. Now I wear jeans and boots more than slacks and a dress shirt. I still dress up on Sunday mornings but this is all just a season. I will sweat and labor trusting God to build His church day by day and one yard at a time. That might mean a great deal less time in the office. That in turn will mean much less time to write.

The stats on this site tell me we have three followers. To be honest I do not even know what that means. I know a few people seem interested in what I have to write. There are times when I cannot get into the office to write. I help coach Turner's football team every Monday and Tuesday night. Wednesday nights I minister to adults and teenagers. Thursday nights I watch Tanner or Tucker play football. Taylor plays on Friday nights. I coach on Saturday mornings. This past Wednesday I had exactly one hour before the Bible study to prepare and that proved to be the only hour I had in the office all week until early Sunday morning. God used it though.

Today I have had the joy and blessing of being in the office all day. I have prayed, written, planned events, communicated with ministry leaders, and enjoyed serving as a pastor. Tomorrow I will be back to mowing. Three yards on tap. I still serve the same God. I mow for the glory of God and want to do an excellent job. I write for God and preach for God. It is not about me. I must decrease and He must increase. [Jn 3:30] This is the race He has set before me to run with endurance looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of my faith. [Heb 12:1-2]

I am thankful I had a little time to write. I am thankful I had a little time to sit at this desk and to work on things I pray will matter in eternity. I am not sure when I get to write again but know I take this ministry seriously and will be back at my post as quickly as possible.

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